《龙与地下城:匕首谷》攻略,主要为主线任务攻略,只为和大家分享下其主线任务的流程。 进入游戏画面,有四个角色可供选择,我选了个看上去最猛的(人家拿着大锤)。进入游戏照例先观察下,调了下技能按键(技能要先加点再拉到画面的快捷键中),打了几个木桶;发现右上角有小地图,去看
【 tulaoshi.com - 龙与地下城:匕首谷 】
【主线任务1 英雄的责任】 进去就是几个小怪,轻轻松松收割后出现个矮人(好像矮人都长一样)又是对话又是动画,我无视之。之后按小地图红色箭头找到三个矮人,
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://www.tulaoshi.com)《龙与地下城:匕首谷》专题站:《龙与地下城:匕首谷》dnd天赋翻译dwarven weapon training --prerequisites:dwarf
武器熟练度 (种族)
dwarven battle priestprerequisites:dwarf
shielding word_prerequisites:cleric class
屏蔽盾 先决条件:教士阶级
targets of your healing word ability also gain a temporary +2 bonus to all Defense
你的疗愈能力目标的话也会获得临时+ 2加值到所有的防守
toughness 韧性
prerequisites:none 先决条件:没有
when you take this feat you gai 15% more hit points per level
far shot 远射
when you take this feat the range of your bows or crossbows increases by 20%
far throw 抛投武器
when you take this feat the range of your thrown weapons increases by 20%
hammering iron
whenever you hit an enemy with an attack using a blunt weapon,you inflict knockback on the enemy
melee training(dex) 近战敏捷系
when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use dexterity instead of strength for the attack roll and
the damage roll
melee training (con) 近战体质系
when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use constitution instead of strength for the attack roll
and the damage roll
melee training (wis) 近战智慧系
when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use wisdom instead of strength for the attack roll and
the damage roll
法系职业遇到近战时:智慧(wisdom/mp )转成力量属性伤害
melee training (int) 近战智力系
when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use intelligence instead of strength for the attack roll
and the damage roll
法系职业遇到近战时:智力(intelligence )转成力量属性伤害
melee training (cha) 近战魅力(狡诈)系
when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use charisma instead of strength for the attack roll and
the damage roll
heavy shield proficiency
you gain proficiency with heavy shields
1-handed blade weapon proficiency
you gain proficiency with all 1-handed blades
2-handed blade weapon proficiency
you gain proficiency with all 2-handed blades
bow weapon proficiency
you gain proficiency with all bows
1-handed blade weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding a 1-handed blade
2-handed blade weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding a 2-handed blade
axe weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding an axe.
blunt weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding a blunt weapon
thrown weapon focus
bow weapon focus
crossbow weapon focus
+1 弩专长
1-handed blade weapon expertise
you gain a+1 feat bonus to attack rolls with any weapon power you use while wielding a 1-handed blade
2-handed blade weapon expertise
axe weapon expertise
blunt weapon expertise
thrown weapon expertise
bow weapon expertise
crossbow weapon expertise
没有语音 静态的过场CG 千人一面的NPC 跑跑砍砍的无聊生活
虽然属性界面拿20面骰当图标 但基本没什么和DND挂钩的 魅力的作用仅仅是讨价还价 职业和种族绑定 无兼职 对话选项只有接受任务和不接受 交涉唬骗威慑什么都没有 自由度更无从说起
本打算随便打个BOSS就退出的 不过和之前比起来BOSS战可以说还是有亮点
第一个巫妖造型我很喜欢 并且要利用柱子躲技能
之后的石元素 巫师 尤其是红龙战 每次都要运用不同的方法来进行 虽然说不上十分出色 但和之前相比进步太大了
总之如果抛开DND之名 还是可以用来杀时间的
《龙与地下城:匕首谷》专题站:《龙与地下城:匕首谷》强档攻略dwarven weapon training --prerequisites:dwarf
武器熟练度 (种族)
dwarven battle priestprerequisites:dwarf
shielding word_prerequisites:cleric class
屏蔽盾 先决条件:教士阶级
targets of your healing word ability also gain a temporary +2 bonus to all Defense
你的疗愈能力目标的话也会获得临时+ 2加值到所有的防守
toughness 韧性
prerequisites:none 先决条件:没有
when you take this feat you gai 15% more hit points per level
far shot 远射
when you take this feat the range of your bows or crossbows increases by 20%
far throw 抛投武器
when you take this feat the range of your thrown weapons increases by 20%
hammering iron
whenever you hit an enemy with an attack using a blunt weapon,you inflict knockback on the enemy
melee training(dex) 近战敏捷系
when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use dexterity instead of strength for the attack roll and
the damage roll
melee training (con) 近战体质系
when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use constitution instead of strength for the attack roll
and the damage roll
melee training (wis) 近战智慧系
when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use wisdom instead of strength for the attack roll and
the damage roll
法系职业遇到近战时:智慧(wisdom/mp )转成力量属性伤害
melee training (int) 近战智力系
when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use intelligence instead of strength for the attack roll
and the damage roll
法系职业遇到近战时:智力(intelligence )转成力量属性伤害
melee training (cha) 近战魅力(狡诈)系
when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use charisma instead of strength for the attack roll and
the damage roll
heavy shield proficiency
you gain proficiency with heavy shields
1-handed blade weapon proficiency
you gain proficiency with all 1-handed blades
2-handed blade weapon proficiency
you gain proficiency with all 2-handed blades
bow weapon proficiency
you gain proficiency with all bows
1-handed blade weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding a 1-handed blade
2-handed blade weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding a 2-handed blade
axe weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding an axe.
blunt weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding a blunt weapon
thrown weapon focus
bow weapon focus
crossbow weapon focus
+1 弩专长
1-handed blade weapon expertise
you gain a+1 feat bonus to attack rolls with any weapon power you use while wielding a 1-handed blade
2-handed blade weapon expertise
axe weapon expertise
blunt weapon expertise
thrown weapon expertise
bow weapon expertise
crossbow weapon expertise
会员:112233grrrr 原创
今年已发售的《子弹风暴》、《第八分队:偏见》、《猎杀:恶魔熔炉》这些虚幻3引擎制作的游戏中《龙与地下城:匕首谷》是画面最差的,对话时那个人物帖图看着让我感觉自己一下回到解放前。游戏最大只支持1080P的分辨率,超过1080P就不支持了,而且画面设置非常简单,没有什么选项,就是Low Medium High Maximum这4个等级。
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