开始使用SQLServer2005,没用过MSDE,一开始还不知道怎么下手呢 呵呵

2016-01-29 12:29 9 1 收藏

开始使用SQLServer2005,没用过MSDE,一开始还不知道怎么下手呢 呵呵,开始使用SQLServer2005,没用过MSDE,一开始还不知道怎么下手呢,呵呵

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按如下方法(网上查到的): So onto the Command Prompt ! (wooohooo) SQLCMD.exe will be your friend to explore the Beta 1 build of SQL Express. Here's how: - Open a Command Prompt - SQLCMD -E -S servernameinstancename (e.g. SQLCMD -E -S guntherb01sqlexpress) - select name from sys.databases - go You'll find a list of the default databases in your SQL Express installation (master, tempdb, model, msdb). However, no sample databases - nothing ! So here's an (unofficial) tip to get some sample data in SQL Express (finally, this post is way to long) :-) - Download and install Pubs & NWind T-SQL scripts: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=06616212-0356-46a0-8da2-eebc53a68034&DisplayLang=en - SQLCMD -S servernameinstance -E (or -U sa -P password) - :r "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server 2000 Sample Database Scriptsinstpubs.sql" - :r "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server 2000 Sample Database Scriptsinstnwnd.sql"

To verify you have successfully loaded the db's : - select name from sys.databases- go- Use pubs- select * from authors- go
Note that these T-SQL scripts were designed for SQL2000 (hence unsupported), but hey, they seemed to run perfectly on my SQL Express machine.
Now start enjoying SQL Express 2005 beta 1 !!!
这个版本的SQLServer2005 express 不包括full-text index


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