What is XAML?

2016-01-29 12:34 4 1 收藏

What is XAML?,What is XAML?

【 tulaoshi.com - ASP.NET 】

XAMLXAML (pronounced "Zamel," rhymes with "Camel") is a new XML-based declarative markup language for user interface development. XAML, Extensible Application Markup Language, was created by Microsoft for rapidly building user interfaces for .NET Framework applications. "Longhorn," Microsoft's next version of Windows, is designed to separate presentation layer code from application logic. XAML is Longhorn's default language for user interface programming. XAML allows the developer to control the layout of application interfaces including text, graphics, buttons, and the entire collection of .NET user interface controls. Each XAML tag corresponds directly to a .NET Framework class. So creating a new button, for example, is as simple as using a tag in your XAML file. The tag instantiates a Button object using the default constructor and allows you to set properties on the button, such as text label, size, etc. Events and the associated "code behind" handler are specified in the XAML as attributes as well. In Longhorn, code can be either inlined in your XAML file or placed in the code behind file, much like ASP.NET. With XAML as the presentation layer and your favorite .NET language as the logic and event handling layer, you can build powerful applications that can be easily updated and modified without having to cross the line between presentation and logic. The user interface can be easily changed without touching logic and event-handling code, simplifying development and making applicaiton code more secure. Microsoft's XAML will be available only with Longhorn. The many benefits of XAML, however are available to .NET Framework developers right now with Xamlon. Download Xamlon now to try XAML Today!


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