apache tomcat的snoop servlet漏洞

2016-01-29 12:46 227 1 收藏

apache tomcat的snoop servlet漏洞,apache tomcat的snoop servlet漏洞

【 tulaoshi.com - Java 】

bugtraq id 1500
class Access Validation Error
remote Yes
local Yes
published July 24, 2000
updated July 24, 2000
vulnerable IBM Websphere Application Server 3.0.21
- Sun Solaris 8.0
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
- Linux kernel 2.3.x
- IBM AIX 4.3
IBM Websphere Application Server 3.0
- Sun Solaris 8.0
- Novell Netware 5.0
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
- Linux kernel 2.3.x
- IBM AIX 4.3
IBM Websphere Application Server 2.0
- Sun Solaris 8.0
- Novell Netware 5.0
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
- Linux kernel 2.3.x
- IBM AIX 4.3

Certain versions of the IBM WebSphere application server ship with a vulnerability which allows malicious users to view the source of any document which resides in the web document root directory.

This is possible via a flaw which allows a default servlet (different servlets are used to parse different types of content, JHTML, HTMl, JSP, etc.) This default servlet will display the document/page without parsing/compiling it hence allowing the code to be viewed by the end user.


The Foundstone, Inc. advisory which covered this problem detailed the following method of verifying the vulnerability - full text of this advisory is available in the 'Credit' section of this entry:

"It is easy to verify this vulnerability for a given system. Prefixing the path to web pages with "/servlet/file/" in the URL causes the file to be displayed without being
parsed or compiled. For example if the URL for a file "login.jsp" is:


then accessing



would cause the unparsed contents of the file to show up in the web browser."


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一.软件安装及PATH等设置: 这一步没什么说的,按J2SDK1.4.1(当然也可以是其他版本的),Apache2.0.43,Tomcat4.1.12的顺序安装就是了。 然后再分别设置CLASSPATH,PATH,Java_HOME,CATALINA_HOME。 二.整合配置: 1. 下载mod_jk2-2.0.43.dll(地址:http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/j...




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