
2016-01-29 13:00 58 1 收藏


【 tulaoshi.com - ASP.NET 】

在Windows2003上执行 System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName等方法会报出Exception:
Couldn't get process information from remote machine.

这个错误的原因是: 获取Process与Performance Counter相关, 当前的执行用户不是Administrator 组成员
MSDN的解释:1.Performance information is not available to a non-admin account, which is not in the Performance Counter Users Group on Windows Server 2003. So the Process class could not get process performance information in this case.

2.Getting performance data from all the processes on the machine is pretty expensive. The operating system (OS) might load lots of DLLs and it might take seconds to complete. The floppy drive light will be on when the OS tries to find the index for some performance counter.
3.f the performance counter data was corrupted for any reason, the Process class could throw an exception while trying to convert some raw performance information into DateTime.

4.The Process class could not be used to get process information on machines without the process performance counter. Performance counters can be disabled in Windows. See the following link for details: http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/reskit/en-us/default.asp?url=/windows2000/techinfo/ reskit/en-us/regentry/94214.asp

The good news is that we have changed the implementation of the Process class in Visual Studio 2005 (our next release, code-named Whidbey). The Process class doesn't have a dependency on performance counter information any more (this is only true for local processes).



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