使用PHP 5.0 轻松解析XML文档(3)

2016-01-29 13:01 5 1 收藏

使用PHP 5.0 轻松解析XML文档(3),使用PHP 5.0 轻松解析XML文档(3)

【 tulaoshi.com - PHP 】


<?php/** *========================================================= * * @author     hahawen(大龄青年)   * @since      2004-12-04 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2004, NxCoder Group * *========================================================= *//** * class SimpleDocumentRoot * xml root class, include values/attributes/subnodes. * all this pachage's is work for xml file, and method is action as DOM. * * @package SmartWeb.common.xml * @version 1.0 */class SimpleDocumentRoot extends SimpleDocumentBase{ private $prefixStr = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'; private $nodeLists = array(); function __construct($nodeTag) {        parent::__construct($nodeTag); }    public function createNodeObject($pNodeId, $name, $attributes)    {     $seq = sizeof($this->nodeLists);     $tmpObject = new SimpleDocumentNode($this, $pNodeId, $name, $seq);     $tmpObject->setAttributes($attributes);     $this->nodeLists[$seq] = $tmpObject;     return $tmpObject;    }    public function removeNodeById($id)    {        if(sizeof($this->nodeLists)==1)            $this->nodeLists = array();     else      unset($this->nodeLists[$id]);    }    public function getNodeById($id)    {     return $this->nodeLists[$id];    }    public function createNode($name, $attributes)    {        return $this->createNodeByName($this, $name, $attributes, -1);    }    public function removeNode($name)    {        return $this->removeNodeByName($this, $name);    }    public function getNode($name=null)    {        return $this->getNodeByName($this, $name);    }    public function getSaveXml()    {     $prefixSpace = "";     $str = $this->prefixStr."rn";     return $str.parent::getSaveXml(0);    }}?>      

<?php/** *========================================================= * * @author     hahawen(大龄青年)   * @since      2004-12-04 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2004, NxCoder Group * *========================================================= *//** * class SimpleDocumentNode * xml Node class, include values/attributes/subnodes. * all this pachage's is work for xml file, and method is action as DOM. * * @package SmartWeb.common.xml * @version 1.0 */class SimpleDocumentNode extends SimpleDocumentBase{ private $seq = null; private $rootObject = null;    private $pNodeId = null;    function __construct($rootObject, $pNodeId, $nodeTag, $seq)    {     parent::__construct($nodeTag);        $this->rootObject = $rootObject;        $this->pNodeId = $pNodeId;        $this->seq = $seq;    }    public function getPNodeObject()    {     return ($this->pNodeId==-1)? $this->rootObject: $this->rootObject->getNodeById($this->pNodeId);    }    public function getSeq(){     return $this->seq;    }    public function createNode($name, $attributes)    {        return $this->createNodeByName($this->rootObject, $name, $attributes, $this->getSeq());    }    public function removeNode($name)    {        return $this->removeNodeByName($this->rootObject, $name);    }    public function getNode($name=null)    {        return $this->getNodeByName($this->rootObject, $name);    }}?>      



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