crystal reports for Visual Studio .NET(webformsample),crystal reports for Visual Studio .NET(webformsample)
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Crystal Reports ®For Visual Studio .NET®Interactivity and Reports in Web ApplicationsInteractivity and Reports in Web ApplicationsCopyright © 2001 Crystal Decisions, Inc.Page 2© 2003 Crystal Decisions, Inc. Crystal Decisions, Crystal Reports, Crystal Enterprise,Crystal Analysis, Crystal Services, Crystal Care, Crystal Assist, Crystal Applications, Infoand Holos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Crystal Decisions, Inc. in the U.S.and/or other countries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks referenced are theproperty of their respective owners.Version 2.0Crystal Decisions, Inc.895 Emerson StreetPalo Alto, CA 94301Interactivity and Reports in Web ApplicationsCopyright © 2001 Crystal Decisions, Inc.Page 3Interactivity and Reports in Web ApplicationsIntroductionYou can use the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in Visual Studio .NET to createinteractivity in your application that hosts Crystal reports.In this walkthrough, you will create a Web application using Active Server Pages.NET(ASP.NET) in Visual Studio .NET. The Web application contains two Web Form controls: animage and a Web Forms Viewer. It supports interactivity between the user and the WebForms Viewer, and interactivity between the Web Forms Viewer and the image control.For more information and updates, please visit our Web site at: and Reports in Web ApplicationsCopyright © 2001 Crystal Decisions, Inc.Page 4Outline of the Web ApplicationThe Web application will contain these controls: a Web Forms Viewer control hosting a report containing a group tree and three charts(which will be referred to as Chart A, Chart B and Chart C). Users can traverse the grouptree and drill down on Chart A to select a country. an image control that will display a flag corresponding to the country the user haschosen from Chart A.The Chain of Interactions1. The user selects a country through the Web Forms Viewer control by drilling down inChart A of the report.2. The Web Forms Viewer updates its display of the report based on the selected country.3. The image control accepts the chosen country and displays the corresponding flag forthat country.Supporting FilesThe following report and image files have been provided with this walkthrough: Sales By Country.rpt USA.jpg England.jpg France.jpg Germany.jpg Italy.jpg Others.jpgThey are available for download from our Web site as supporting files at: the folder "WalkthroughFiles" under the directory c:Inetpubwwwroot. Copy ordownload the report and image files to this folder.The following sections explain how to construct the Web application described above, andhow to navigate in Sales By Country.rpt in a Web Forms Viewer.Interactivity and Reports in Web ApplicationsCopyright © 2001 Crystal Decisions, Inc.Page 5Creating the Web applicationBelow, you will create a Visual C# Web application that has a Web Forms Viewer hostingSales By Country.rpt, and an image control displaying the flag of the country the user haschosen through the report. Sales By Country.rpt assumes that the sample database,xtreme.mdb, has been installed on C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NETCrystalReportsSamplesDatabase during setup for Visual Studio .NET.To change the location of xtreme.mdbIf you have installed xtreme.mdb at a location other than the default (i.e., C:ProgramFilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 7Crystal ReportsSamplesDatabase), you should do a SetLocation for Sales By Country.rpt. To do a Set Location:1. In Visual Studio .NET, select File | Open |File. This invokes the Open File dialog box.2. In the Open File dialog box, browse to the location c:InetpubwwwrootWalkthroughFiles, and specify the file Sales By Country.rpt. This opens Sales ByCountry.rpt in the Crystal Report Designer.NOTE If the Crystal Decisions Registration Wizard appears, you can choose toregister the Crystal Report Designer at this point or at a la来源:
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