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PSV游戏《乐高指环王》奖杯一览,PSV游戏《乐高指环王》奖杯一览,奖杯控有福了。"> document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true)
【 - 乐高指环王 】
图标 奖杯名称 获得条件
One Ring to build them all. Obtain all other Trophies.
It's gone... Complete Journey's End.
My precious! Collect every collectible.
There's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. Deliver all the treasure items.
There and back again. Get 100%. (Single Player Only)
达到100%。(Single Player模式限定)
Not with 10,000 men could you do this... Unlock all characters. (Single Player Only)
解锁所有的角色。(Single Player模式限定)
Hobbits really are amazing creatures. Complete all the HUB mini games.
The last laugh. Use Tom Bombadil's laugh to destroy Sauron in Free play.
在Free play模式下,使用Tom Bombadil以笑的方式击破Sauron。
Of all the inquisitive Hobbits... Collect all the Character Profiles.
收集所有Character Profiles(角色简介)。
I think I'm quite ready for another adventure! Achieve True Adventurer in every level. (Single Player Only)
在每一个关卡达成True Adventurer(真•冒险家)评价。(Single Player模式限定)
And away he goes, Precious! Use Smeagol to defeat Gollum when Gollum is the buddy.
What about second breakfast? Complete Weathertop in Free Play.
在Genius(天才)难度下,完成一场游戏在Free Play模式下,完成Weathertop。
One does not simply walk into Mordor... Simply walk into Mordor. (Single Player Only)
只需走入Mordor。(Single Player模式限定)
That still only counts as one! Defeat an Oliphaunt as Legolas.
The day the strength of men failed. Complete The Battle of the Last Alliance.
完成The Battle of the Last Alliance(最后联盟之战)章节。
It's a dangerous business going out your door. Complete The Black Rider on the Road.
完成The Black Rider on the Road章节。
hat is no trinket you carry... Complete The Camp at Weathertop.
完成The Camp at Weathertop章节。
This is no mine... It's a tomb! Complete Moria: Balin's Tomb.
完成 Moria: Balin's Tomb章节。
Let's hunt some Orc! Complete The Skirmish of Amon Hen.
完成The Skirmish of Amon Hen章节。
On the precious... Complete The Taming of Gollum.
完成The Taming of Gollum章节。
Safe is where I'll keep you. Complete Track the Hobbits.
完成Track the Hobbits章节。
You shall not pass! Complete Moria: Bridge of Khazad-dûm.
完成Moria: Bridge of Khazad-dûm章节。
The battle for Middle-earth is about to begin... Complete The Battle of Helm's Deep.
完成The Battle of Helm's Deep章节。
Naughty little fly! Complete Shelob's Lair.
完成Shelob's Lair章节。
They have been summoned... Complete The Paths of the Dead.
完成The Paths of the Dead.章节。
You and whose army? Complete The Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
完成The Battle of the Pelennor Fields(佩兰诺战役)章节。
This day we fight! Defeat the Mouth of Sauron.
完成Mouth of Sauron章节。
PSV游戏《死或生5 加强版》推出CrossPlay套装
KOEI TECMO预定于2013年3月19日发售美版、3月20日发售日版、3月22日发售欧版的PSV游戏《死或生5 加强版》近日在乐天BOOKS上公开了《死或生5》CrossPlay包的预售页面。该套装定价为12390日元,其中包含以下内容:
图标 奖杯名称 获得条件
One Ring to build them all. Obtain all other Trophies.
It's gone... Complete Journey's End.
My precious! Collect every collectible.
There's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. Deliver all the treasure items.
There and back again. Get 100%. (Single Player Only)
达到100%。(Single Player模式限定)
Not with 10,000 men could you do this... Unlock all characters. (Single Player Only)
解锁所有的角色。(Single Player模式限定)
Hobbits really are amazing creatures. Complete all the HUB mini games.
The last laugh. Use Tom Bombadil's laugh to destroy Sauron in Free play.
在Free play模式下,使用Tom Bombadil以笑的方式击破Sauron。
Of all the inquisitive Hobbits... Collect all the Character Profiles.
收集所有Character Profiles(角色简介)。
I think I'm quite ready for another adventure! Achieve True Adventurer in every level. (Single Player Only)
在每一个关卡达成True Adventurer(真•冒险家)评价。(Single Player模式限定)
And away he goes, Precious! Use Smeagol to defeat Gollum when Gollum is the buddy.
What about second breakfast? Complete Weathertop in Free Play.
在Genius(天才)难度下,完成一场游戏在Free Play模式下,完成Weathertop。
One does not simply walk into Mordor... Simply walk into Mordor. (Single Player Only)
只需走入Mordor。(Single Player模式限定)
That still only counts as one! Defeat an Oliphaunt as Legolas.
The day the strength of men failed. Complete The Battle of the Last Alliance.
完成The Battle of the Last Alliance(最后联盟之战)章节。
It's a dangerous business going out your door. Complete The Black Rider on the Road.
完成The Black Rider on the Road章节。
hat is no trinket you carry... Complete The Camp at Weathertop.
完成The Camp at Weathertop章节。
This is no mine... It's a tomb! Complete Moria: Balin's Tomb.
完成 Moria: Balin's Tomb章节。
Let's hunt some Orc! Complete The Skirmish of Amon Hen.
完成The Skirmish of Amon Hen章节。
On the precious... Complete The Taming of Gollum.
完成The Taming of Gollum章节。
Safe is where I'll keep you. Complete Track the Hobbits.
完成Track the Hobbits章节。
You shall not pass! Complete Moria: Bridge of Khazad-dûm.
完成Moria: Bridge of Khazad-dûm章节。
The battle for Middle-earth is about to begin... Complete The Battle of Helm's Deep.
完成The Battle of Helm's Deep章节。
Naughty little fly! Complete Shelob's Lair.
完成Shelob's Lair章节。
They have been summoned... Complete The Paths of the Dead.
完成The Paths of the Dead.章节。
You and whose army? Complete The Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
完成The Battle of the Pelennor Fields(佩兰诺战役)章节。
This day we fight! Defeat the Mouth of Sauron.
完成Mouth of Sauron章节。
摩托竞速游戏《MotoGP13》跨平台发售 PSV也有份
本作预计2013晚些时候登陆PC、PS Vita、PS3以及Xbox 360。
NBGI预定于2013年3月7日发售的PSV游戏《心灵传说R》近日公开了其首发特典小游戏《心灵传说R INFINITE EVOLVE》的游戏演示视频。这款小游戏是一个2D横版动作游戏,与传说系列最早的战斗系统非常相近。虽然是个附赠品不过完成度却很高,并且还有无限的难度供挑战。
角川游戏预定于2013年4月25日发售的PSV游戏《写真女友Kiss》本次将为大家介绍三名隐藏角色,这三名角色在满足一定条件时就会成为可攻略角色。当然和她们三人也能够体验本作的新剧情LOVE LOVE DAYS。
KOEI TECMO预定于2013年2月26日发售美版、2013年2月28日发售日版的PSV游戏《忍者龙剑传∑2:加强版》在日前召开的CES2013展会上出展并提供实机试玩,从试玩视频来看本作基本保持了PS3版的素质,画面也比较流畅,至于断肢喷血等效果当然都会有。
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