C#陷阱int i = 10; i += i++; i =

2016-01-29 13:26 51 1 收藏

C#陷阱int i = 10; i += i++; i =,C#陷阱int i = 10; i += i++; i =

【 tulaoshi.com - ASP.NET 】

参加某公司的笔试时的一道题目:int i = 10; i += i++; i = ?。当时我写了21。但当我在C#中写了如下代码测试时
static void Main(string[] args) { int i = 10; i += i++; Console.WriteLine(i); Console.Read(); }
编译器告诉我,结果是20。为什么!我错了吗?我开始纳闷了。我赶紧用VC(Visual Studio.net2003)重新编了一段测试代码,如下:
int _tmain(){ int i = 10; i += i++; Console::WriteLine(i); Console::Read(); return 0;}
这次,结果是21。奇怪了啊,为什么同样是i += i++,其结果是不一样的呢?
C# does have explicit rules around this behavior. (left to right)C++ does not (problem of the C++ language, not the compiler)


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