URTracker 2.11版 license验证原理剖析

2016-01-29 13:30 48 1 收藏

URTracker 2.11版 license验证原理剖析,URTracker 2.11版 license验证原理剖析

【 tulaoshi.com - ASP.NET 】

注    :原创,转载请注明出处。
作 者:草惜草
首 发: http://kokey.blogchina.com




URTracker事务跟踪系统是一款功能强大而且易于使用的Web方式的协同工作软件 。它用于帮助公司和团队跟踪工作中的问题,管理和记录这些问题的处理过程。
   要研究.NET当然离不开Reflector for .NET 。(Reflector is a class browser for .NET components. It supports assembly and namespace views, type and member search, XML documentation, call and callee graphs, IL, Visual Basic, Delphi and C# decompiler, dependency trees, base type and derived type hierarchies and resource viewers. )
   如果想把代码保存下来,那就需要Reflector的插件Reflector.FileDisassembler了。(The Reflector.FileDisassembler is a little add-in for the new version of Lutz Roeder's .NET Reflector that you can use to dump the decompiler output to files of any Reflector supported language (C#, VB.NET, Delphi). This is extremely useful if you are searching for a specific line of code as you can use VS.NET's "Find in Files" or want to convert a class from one language to another.

  下载地址:Reflector for .NET   http://www.aisto.com/roeder/dotnet/
                      Reflector.FileDisassembler    http://www.denisbauer.com/NETTools/FileDisassembler.aspx



最后找到了WebTracker.dll 可疑,因为在Reflector按F3,你可以搜索到很多关于license的东东。哈哈,探究之路开始了。

public class ServerLicenseProvider : LicenseProvider
      // Methods
      static ServerLicenseProvider();
      public ServerLicenseProvider();
      protected virtual ServerLicense CreateEmptyLicense(Type type);
      protected virtual ServerLicense CreateLicense(Type type, string key);
      public override License GetLicense(LicenseContext context, Type type, object instance, bool allowExceptions);
      protected virtual string GetLicenseData(Type type);
      protected virtual Stream GetLicenseDataStream(Type type);
      protected virtual bool ValidateLicense(ServerLicense license, out string errorMessage);
      protected virtual bool ValidateLicenseData(Type type, string licenseData);


      // Fields
      private static readonly ServerLicenseCollector LicenseCollector;

      // Nested Types
      private sealed class ServerLicenseCollector
            // Methods


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