Raw Devices and Oracle - 20 Common Questions and Answers,Raw Devices and Oracle - 20 Common Questions and Answers
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1. What is a raw device?
A raw device, also known as a raw partition, is a disk partition that is
not mounted and written to via the UNIX filesystem, but is accessed via
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://www.tulaoshi.com)a character-special device driver. It is up to the application how the
data is written since there is no filesystem to do this on the
applications behalf.
2. How can a raw device be recognised?
In the /dev directory, there are essentially two type of files: block
special and character special. Block special files are used when data is
transferred to or from a device in fixed size amounts (blocks), whereas
character special files are used when data is transferred in varying
size amounts. Raw devices use character special files; a long listing
of the /dev directory shows them with a c at the leftmost position of
the permissions field, e.g.
crw-rw-rw- 1 root system 15, 0 Mar 12 09:45 rfd0
In addition, character special files usually have names beginning with
an r, as shown in the above example. Some devices, principally disks,
have both a block special device and a character special device
associated with them; for the floppy diskette shown above, there is also
a device
brw-rw-rw- 1 root system 15, 0 Apr 16 15:42 /dev/fd0
So the presence of a c in a device does NOT necessarily mean this is a
raw device suitable for use by Oracle (or another application).
Generally, a raw device needs to be created and set aside for Oracle (or
whatever application is going to use it) when the UNIX system is set
up - therefore, this needs to be done with close cooperation between
the DBA and UNIX system administrator.
Once a raw device is in use by Oracle, it must be owned by the oracle
account, and may be identified in this way.
3. What are the benefits of raw devices?
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://www.tulaoshi.com)There can be a performance benefit from using raw devices, since a write
to a raw device bypasses the UNIX buffer cache, the data is transferred
directly from the Oracle buffer cache to the disk. This is not guaranteed,
though. If there is no I/O bottleneck, raw devices will not help. The
performance benefit if there is a bottleneck can vary between a few
percent to something like 40%. Note that the overall amount of I/O is
not reduced; it is just done more efficiently.
Another lesser benefit of raw devices is that no filesystem overhead
is incurred in terms of inode allocation and maintenance or free block
allocation and maintenance.
4. How can I tell if I will benefit from using raw devices?
There are two distinct parts to this: first, the Oracle database and
application should be examined and tuned as necessary, using one or both
of the following:
-UTLBstat and UTLestat utilities (in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin)
There are several strategies for improving performance with an existing
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