Performance Improvement Tips for Oracle on UNIX,Performance Improvement Tips for Oracle on UNIX
【 - Oracle教程 】
Restart your database. Run your application. Run tkprof against the tracefile created by your application:tkprof
SQL statement is using indexes correctly. Refer to DBA guide for a list
of rules that the oracle optimizer uses when choosing a path for a SQL statement.
<<<<<< OUTPUT OF TKPROF FILE >>>>>>>
count = number of times OPI procedure was executed
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问 = cpu time executing in hundredths of seconds
elap = elapsed time executing in hundredths of secs
phys = number of physical reads of buffers (from disk)
cr = number of buffers gotten for consistent read
cur = number of buffers gotten in current mode (usually for update)
rows = number of rows processed by the OPI call
select * from emp where empno=7369
count cpu elap phys cr cur rows
Parse: 1 0 0 0 0 0
Execute: 1 0 0 0 0 2 0
Fetch: 1 0 0 219 227 0 2
Execution plan:
select empno from emp where empno=7934
count cpu elap phys cr cur rows
Parse: 2 0 0 0 0 0
Execute: 2 0 0 0 0 2 0
Fetch: 2 0 0 0&nb
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