
2016-01-29 14:50 8 1 收藏


【 tulaoshi.com - PHP 】

<?php Header( "Content-type: image/gif"); // info for the browser
    /* PHP3 Button generator, (c) 2000 by IzzySoft (izzysoft@buntspecht.de)
    * License: GPL (and it would be nice to drop me a note that you find it
    * useful - if you use it. And, of course, I am very interested in
    * enhancements you made to the script!
    * Purpose: generate buttons with text passed by parameter.
    * possible parameters to the script:
    *button- input gif image. Just the part of the filename before the dot.
    *The specified image file is expected in the same directory
    *as this script resides in.
    *font - font to use (1 - 5; 1 is very small, 3 medium, 5 normal size.
    *The script will automatically use a smaller font if text is
    *too long for selected size.) Default: 5
    *text - the text to be put on the button. Will be centered.
    *textcolor - color for the letters. Default: white.
    *in this example code only blue, white and black are defined;
    *but you can add custom colors easily.
    *width,heigth - width and heigth of the button. Useful only if target
    *button should have different size than source image.
    * Example for usage:
    * <IMG src="http://img.jcwcn.com/attachment/portal"


标签: 电脑入门
使用各种形状的图形可以让你的文档更加生动,今天图老师小编为大家介绍一下如何在wps文字中插入形状。 在插入选项中找到形状图标,点击▽,可以看到一些常用的形状,这时我们可以选择某个形状。 选择形状后我们可以发现光标变成十字形状,这时我们只需要拖动光标,就可以画出图形。 图形插入后,我们还可以在图形上进行文字的添加,移...
标签: PHP
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标签: Java JAVA基础
  有一个技术可以在Java Server Pages(JSP)中产生整齐、精细的直方图,它可以用来作为可重用的背景。为了达到可重用性的目的,你需要使得图形的尺寸可以调整,你还应该管理直方块以免它们越过图形区域的边界。然后,你还需要把图形数据编码为一种可用的图形格式。我们将利用这个代码例子介绍本技巧。 你需要什么? 为了开始运行本文所...




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