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【 - ASP 】

  21. IsObject()
  FUNCTION: Returns a boolean value indicating whether an expression refers to an automation object.
  SYNTAX: IsObject(expression)
  ARGUMENTS: expression is any valid expression.
Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
response.write IsObject(con)
  RESULT: True
22. LBound()
  FUNCTION: Returns the base index value for a dimension of any array.
  SYNTAX: Lbound(arrayname [, dimension])
  ARGUMENTS: arrayname is the name of any array; dimension is an optional number indicating the dimension
to find the lower bound.
i = Array("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday")
response.write LBound(i)
23. LCase()
  FUNCTION: Returns a string that has been converted into lowercase characters.
  SYNTAX: Lcase(string)
  ARGUMENTS: string is any valid string expression.
strTest = "This is a test!"
response.write LCase(strTest)
  RESULT: this is a test!
24. Left()
  FUNCTION: Returns the number of characters from the left side of a string.
  SYNTAX: Left(string, length)
  ARGUMENTS: string is any valid string expression; length is the length of characters to return.
strTest = "This is a test!"
response.write Left(strTest, 3)
25. Len()
  FUNCTION: Returns the number of characters in a string or the number of bytes required to store a
  SYNTAX: Len(string | varName)
  ARGUMENTS: string is any valid string expression; varName is any valid variable name.
strTest = "This is a test!"
response.write Len(strTest)
  RESULT: 15
(The total length of strTest is 15 characters)
  FUNCTION: Returns a string without leading spaces.
  SYNTAX: LTrim(string)
  ARGUMENTS: string is any valid string expression.
strTest = " This is a test!"
response.write LTrim(strTest)
  RESULT: This is a test!
27. Mid()
  FUNCTION: Returns a specified number of characters from a string.
  SYNTAX: Mid(string, start [, length])
  ARGUMENTS: string is any valid string expression; start is a numeric character position to begin
extraction from; length (optional) is the number of characters to return.
strTest = "This is a test! Today is Monday."
response.write Mid(strTest, 17, 5)
  RESULT: Today
28. Minute()
  FUNCTION: Returns the number of the minutes in current system time.
  SYNTAX: Minute(time)
  ARGUMENTS: time is any valid time expression.
  EXAMPLE: <%=Minute(#12:45:32 PM#)%
  RESULT: 45
29. Month()
  FUNCTION: Returns the number of the month of the year.
  SYNTAX: Month(date)
  ARGUMENTS: date is any valid date expression.
  EXAMPLE: <%=Month(#08/04/99#)%
30. MonthName()
  FUNCTION: Returns a string identifying th


VB作为快速开发Windows下的编程工具,已经为越来越多的开发者采用。但如果要开发出专业的Windows软件,还需采用大量的API函数,以下结合笔者开发管理软件的经验谈几点体会。 程序中判定Windows的版本 众所周知,Windows3.x各版本或多或少会有些差别,为了使开发程序避免出现莫名其妙的错误,最好在程序运行前自动判定Windows的版本。采...
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