产生密码 记录到数据库 然后发送给用户

2016-01-29 17:31 4 1 收藏

产生密码 记录到数据库 然后发送给用户,产生密码,记录到数据库,然后发送给用户。

【 tulaoshi.com - ASP 】

  This article Generates a password random, Requires a database and Mails the Password.

<%@language="vbscript" %

'code by Manikantan
'Web Developer
'3rd Agenda
'Nungambakkam, Chennai India


set mail= server.CreateObject("cdonts.newmail")
mail.subject="Thank You for Registering"
mail.to = mailid mail.from ="Webmaster@thesite"
mail.body= "This is the Initial Password to our site...." & vbcrlf

'other data like phone number as per the member database in the site
'all these values are obtained from the request method from a .htm which submits to this file
'Mainly employed in registration
'Assumes You have cdonts.dll installed in the web server.

set conn = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
conn.Open "dsn","uid","pwd"
set rec= conn.Execute("select count(*) from membertable")
id = cint(rec.fields(0))+1
r=rnd *50
Response.Write r & "<br"
for i = 0 to 20
    if cint(r)0 and cint(r)<26 then str=str +chr(97 + cint(r))
    r=rnd *100

Response.Write str
pwd=pwd & id
pwd=pwd & right(str,2)
pwd=pwd & second(time)

'An Update Query can be Passed from here for the username ,password and other details or can be triggered
from another page 'when the user responds to the mail...Something like sending a url as a mail and on
click of the url in the mail..call another page 'which updates ..so we can be sure that only confirmed
users are updated

set mail= server.CreateObject("cdonts.newmail")
mail.subject="Thank You for Registering"
mail.to = mailid
mail.from ="Webmaster@thesite"
mail.body= "This is the Initial Password to our site...." & vbcrlf & "Change it if You Want" & vbcrlf &
pwd & vbcrlf & "Thank You for Using the Site"

The New Pass word has been Mailed.


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