My sumarization after passing the exam of 310-015

2016-01-29 18:04 8 1 收藏

My sumarization after passing the exam of 310-015,My sumarization after passing the exam of 310-015

【 - Linux 】

After sitting in front of the special computer which used to offer examination environment and breaking the neck of the exam for one and half an hour, the woman who kept watching me backside of the vidicon from the beginning of the exam handed the school report card to me and smiled at me "Congratulations, boy, you have been passed the exam". I closed my eyes for a few seconds then opened, I felt much comfortable and happy by the result of the exam thought I got a comparatively lower scores to my CCIE accompanier who got a high score. From then on when I prepared for today's exam, almost two months had passed. I still remembered when I had read over the SA299 for the first time, I felt so confused cause it was too hard for me to understand, like the chapter 5-managing crash dumps and core files, chapter 7-configuring AutoFS, and chapter 16-configuring the network information service. Then I took the old way when I study the SA239, I went over for each chapter then translated some parts of them into Chinese in my CU-blog, that made me felt amazing. When I finished one chapter and finished the translation, I wanted to went on transting another chapter and put it into my blog. For that reason, it took me not a long time to go over the book for the second time. After that, some contents of the book became more clearly in my head. With the last time's experience, I knew that the TestKing(a book which used to test yourself how much knowledges you had got) was so important, and there would appear many subjects which just as the same as in the TestKing. I usually saw somebody said that with the TestKing's help, even the person who had never read the teaching book could pass the exam. That was not the case at all, even one had recited each of the question and the answer, he could not pass the exam, like you could easily jump into the river, but you can not swim, you would be drown at last. On condition that you had seized the way how to swim, you could enjoy your time in it. Further more, there were so many mistakes in the TestKing, if you could not find out what the really answers were, you would go wrong by the leading of it. I myself with my CCIE accompanier who also joined in the exam had found about thirteen or more subjects which had fault answers, some of them appeared when I was absorbed in the exam. More than that, I also did some exercises with the boson's help. There were 499 questions in it. Thought none of them would appear when you enjoy your time in the exam, but it's really helpful. On one hand, if you have done each question in the boson, that would help you understand the SA299 all around; On the other hand, if you do the boson just as you are take part in the exam and do not look the answer before you finish all of them, you may get more progress with this way, that make you feel more self-confident. I did it for almost four times, each time when I finished, I felt much better and stronger. In any case, I had passed the exam at last, by the help of the TestKing and the boson. It seemed that the past two months were not wasted, it's worthy. From now on, I would prepare for the SA399 and the following CCNA. GOD bless me.


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