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i have linux 9.0 and winXP on my pc.
for some days i do not use linux, and one day when i select to boot to linux, the GRUB becomes a black-white charactor interface. when i use the command: "root(hd0, ", and press key [tab] to show the useable partiton, it show me that most partition is "file system type unknow", except a fat32 and swap partiton. i have several NTFS partitions and a fat32 partition and ext3 partition and the swap partition.
but when i turn to windows, the ntfs partition is correct. in partition magic 8.0, i can see ext3 partition, everything seems to be right.
it is a strange problem. Maybe it is because that i have use partition magic's exe file

TEDIT32.EXE to show something, such as the epbr. but i DO NOT change a datium.
what is the wrong with my computer?
i use nt loader to boot linux. that is copy the first sector of the boot partiton(dev/hda9) to a file(bootsect), and add a line as "linux=bootsect" in the file boot.ini.
the grub confige file should be unchanged since i do not use linux for a time.
i think the problem lie in the partiton table, but windows is boot right. this is what puzzle me.
还有一个相关问题:有时候安装linux时, 硬盘里的空间已经分配完毕. 这时往往用PQ magic把一个或几个较大的分区分出几个小分区来腾空间. 比如把hda9分成两个分区.如果hda9后面还有几个分区,例如还有hda10和hda11, 那么多分出来的是hda12. 这样从hda9开始的分区情况是: hda9, hda12, hda10, hda11.这样的分配设置存在于哪呢? 我的机器可能后来变成顺序存放了, 即: hda9, hda10, hda11, hda12. 不过这样的话, 通过修改启动分区应该可以的. 问题是为什么除了fat32和swap分区别的分区都不认识了, 而在windows中却可以识别.
flightbird 回复于:2003-08-18 09:29:38 这个帖子是在linux中输入的

过程挺复杂的, 用安装盘重新安装, 但在拷贝文件时强行复位. 好像是这么一回事: 分区的顺序发生了变化. grub的配置文件没有及时跟进(与时俱进是多么的重要!), 所以它自己摸不着头脑了, 不知道去哪里找启动文件. 我的硬盘分区原来为: hda1(c), hda5(d), hda6(e), hda7(f), hda8(g), hda11(ext3), hda12(swap), hda9(h), hda10(i). 不知道什么原因(谁能告诉我?), 后来变成了: hda1(c), hda5(d), hda6(e), hda7(f), hda8(g), hda9(ext3), hda10(swap), hda11(h), hda12(i). 所以不能引导了. 解决此问题的最好办法, 是在windows下利用第三方软件修改ext3中的grub.conf文件, 比如用ext2fs. 期间还发生别的问题, 鼠标的配置变了, 有滚轮却不能用.