RHEL AS3U3 "vsftpd dead but subsys locked" problem

2016-01-29 19:01 22 1 收藏

RHEL AS3U3 "vsftpd dead but subsys locked" problem,RHEL AS3U3 "vsftpd dead but subsys locked" problem

【 tulaoshi.com - Linux 】

In RHEL AS3Update3, after started the vsftp ftp server and connected to it from another computer, it prompted the user neaded an authorization and stopped there. Then when you use the server configure tools to restart the vsftp service , it says "vsftpd dead but subsys locked".
In RHEL AS3Update3, after started the vsftp ftp server and connected to it from another computer, it prompted the user neaded an authorization and stopped there. Then when you use the server configure tools to restart the vsftp service , it says "vsftpd dead but subsys locked". I used the followed method to figure it out.
Method 1). Open the /etc/xinit.d/gssftp file. change the line "Server_args= -l -a " to "Server_args=-l "
this will resolve the authorization problem and can connect the ftp server successfully. but the password verify process is time consumer.

Method 2). Open the /etc/xinit.d/gssftp file, change the line "disable=no" to "disable=yes"
this will make the vsftp server working as a stand alone demon and the connection is fluent.
After this operation, you must use service vsftpd restart to restart the vsftp server.


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