《野兽传奇》XBOX360版全图文流程攻略(下),前情提要 费尽千辛万苦除掉Lionwhyte,铁头党终于获得暂时的平静。但是在这场战争中,铁头党的精神领袖Lars Halford就此天人永隔;也因为他的牺牲,铁头党渐渐变成一盘散沙。三个月就这样过去了,一场突如其来的硬仗打醒了铁头党,主角艾迪也在这场战争后,
【 tulaoshi.com - 野兽传奇 】
费尽千辛万苦除掉Lionwhyte,铁头党终于获得暂时的平静。但是在这场战争中,铁头党的精神领袖Lars Halford就此天人永隔;也因为他的牺牲,铁头党渐渐变成一盘散沙。三个月就这样过去了,一场突如其来的硬仗打醒了铁头党,主角艾迪也在这场战争后,发现一个令人不敢相信的事实……
重金属游戏《野兽传奇》邪恶帝王更换角色黑色安息日(Black Sabbath)前主唱Ronnie James Dio今日传出从《野兽传奇》,英文原名Brutal Legend)》游戏名单中退出,取而代之的是《洛基恐怖秀(Rocky Horror Picture Show )》明星Tim Curry.
第三人称动作游戏《野兽传奇》是由 Tim Schafer和Double Fine Productions联手打造,由知名艺人杰克。布莱克(Jack Black)扮演并为游戏中万能的乐团管理员艾迪。瑞格斯(Eddie Riggs)配音,并集结众多的重金属摇滚重量级人士包括犹太祭司乐团的 Rob Halford、机车首领乐团的灵魂人物Lemmy Kilmister,与重金属女歌手Lita Ford等参与游戏。
原本Ronnie James Dio在游戏中将扮演主要反派角色Doviculus一角,也就是The Tainted Coil军团的领导者。但Tim Schafer指出,Ronnie James Dio是个了不起的歌手、重金属摇滚的伟大人物,但作为 Doviculus这个角色,研发团队发现 Tim Curry更为适合;相信届时玩家将会看到Tim Curry在游戏中扮演黑暗帝王的表现。
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://www.tulaoshi.com)《恶黑摇滚》主要描述艾迪。瑞格斯的故事,某天一场意外导致艾迪。瑞格斯失去意识,当他的血滴到他身上的皮带(他父亲送给他的礼物)时,竟然把他捲入一个看似奇怪却又熟悉的世界中;这个世界充满了重金属摇滚的专辑封面与歌词,但那裡却有着邪恶的帝王Doviculus与他的恶魔军团The Tainted Coil ,计画奴役这个世界的人类。
游戏里充满Metal气息的Brutal Legend《野兽传奇》,经过笔者狂战十个小时左右后,终于把它给全破了。在将近十一个小时的游玩过程中,除了完成主线任务外,还顺便解了“部份”的支线任务。如果与一般动作游戏来相比的话,《野兽传奇》整体的游戏时数算是非常足够的;如果玩家想要完成游戏中所有的支线任务,可能得花上十几个钟头。
游戏中,玩家所操作的主角是一位名为Eddie Riggs的乐团助理,担任大型演唱会幕后工作者的他,却在一次演唱会里意外受伤。他的鲜血注入父亲所留给他的皮带扣里,因此被传送到到一处充满恶魔与怪物的世界。当地的泰坦族深信救世主将会再一次降临到这个世界,并且利用削铁如泥的神斧拯救世界;只是艾迪万万没想到,救世主传承的开始,居然是从父亲留给他的皮带扣开始。
与奥菲莉亚一起杀出重围后,他们被困在走廊的尽头。从大门门缝窥视外头,有大批敌人朝着这里前进。接下来玩家只要靠近后方的石刻乐谱,按住手把的RT键选择BEGIN SOLO技能后,依照乐谱上的按键图示输入指令,便能召唤能够组装为肌肉车的零件。
Got a Car and a Date Bronze Trophy Completed 'Welcome to the Age of Metal'
Start a Revolution Bronze Trophy Completed 'Exploited in the Bowels of Hell'
Thick as a Baby's Arm Bronze Trophy Completed 'Lair of the Metal Queen'
Hair Remover Bronze Trophy Completed 'Battle for Bladehenge'
French Kiss Instructor Bronze Trophy Completed 'Pilgrimage of Screams'
Chicks n' Booze n' Stuff Bronze Trophy Completed 'Sanctuary of Sin'
Ran to the Hills Bronze Trophy Completed 'It's Raining Death'
Fistfull of Fog Bronze Trophy Completed 'Dry Ice, Wet Graves'
No More Tears Bronze Trophy Completed 'Sea of Black Tears'
Overkill Bronze Trophy Completed all hunting secondary missions
Squeal Like a Chicken Bronze Trophy Completed all racing secondary missions
Protector Bronze Trophy Completed 20 ambush, outpost defense, or mortar secondary missions
Serpent Samaritan Bronze Trophy Freed 40 Bound Serpents
Serpent Spanker Bronze Trophy Freed 80 Bound Serpents
One Hit Wonder Bronze Trophy Purchased 1 upgrade in the Motor Forge
Virtuoso Bronze Trophy Learned all guitar solos
Tourist Bronze Trophy Viewed all vistas
Now You Must Tell the Tale Bronze Trophy Viewed all Legends
Voices From Beyond Bronze Trophy Unlocked all songs in the Mouth of Metal
Flowerslave Bronze Trophy Summoned all Motor Forges
Practice Bloody Practice Bronze Trophy Won an AI Stage Battle - any difficulty
Iron Fist Bronze Trophy Won an AI Stage Battle - Brütal difficulty
Victör Bronze Trophy Won a ranked multiplayer match
Master of the Flame Bronze Trophy Double Teamed with every Ironheade unit
Master of the Tear Bronze Trophy Double Teamed with every Drowning Doom unit
Master of the Blood Bronze Trophy Double Teamed with every Tainted Coil unit
Armchair General Bronze Trophy Won a Stage Battle by yourself against the AI without attacking
Some Demon Flesh on your Bumper Bronze Trophy Slayed 150 enemies with the Deuce - any mode
Silence, groundwalker! Bronze Trophy Gained 5 or more seconds of hang time in a single jump - any mode
Six Degrees of Schafer Bronze Trophy Played with or against another player who has this Achievement
Ringleader Bronze Trophy Trapped 15 enemies in one ring of fire with the Fire Baron's Double Team
Painkiller Bronze Trophy Killed 25 enemies with the grinder of one Rock Crusher
Dollpocalypse Bronze Trophy Hit 6 enemies with the explosion from a Brood's Double Team
Euthanasia Bronze Trophy Hit 15 enemies with one Agony Ball using the Pain Lifter's Double Team
Death From Above Bronze Trophy Killed 20 enemies with one Bleeding Death
Coolest Thing Ever Bronze Trophy Jumped over a Hextadon in the Deuce
Beast Master Bronze Trophy Rode every animal in the world
Quill Tosser Bronze Trophy Killed a Tollusk using only Ground Urchins
Carnivore Bronze Trophy Ran Down 20 animals in the Deuce with the Colling Maw equipped.
Cry me a River Bronze Trophy Killed 20 Drowning Doom units with the Eye of Sorrow.
Whispering Rock Bronze Trophy Chiseled four Razputin heads onto Mt. Rockmore.
Beard Beard Action Beard! Bronze Trophy Made out with Ophellla while wearing Mountain Man Threads.
A Face Like a Beast Bronze Trophy Killed 15 enemies with a Metal Beast while wearing the Zaulia Threads.
Hammer of Infinite Fate Tourist Bronze Trophy Played a multiplayer game on all Hammer of Infinite Fate multiplayer maps.
Hammer of Fate Champion Bronze Trophy Won 10 games on Hammer of Infinite Fate maps - ranked or vs. Brütal AI.
Norwegian Sendoff Bronze Trophy Visited the grave of a fallen hero while wearing the Black Metal Threads.
If You Want Blood, You Got It Bronze Trophy Killed 20 Tainted Coll units with the Disgorger.
Groupie Silver Trophy Completed Campaign mode on Easy
Roadie Silver Trophy Completed Campaign mode on Normal
Legend Silver Trophy Completed Campaign mode on Brutal
Serpent Savior Silver Trophy Freed all 120 Bound Serpents
Loyal Customer Silver Trophy Purchased all upgrades in the Motor Forge
Subjügator Silver Trophy Won 10 ranked multiplayer matches
Favored Silver Trophy Acquired 3,000 Fire Tributes
Sellout Silver Trophy Spent 250,000 fans - any mode
I've never touched an axe before Silver Trophy Personally smote 300 enemies - any mode
Boar Bather Silver Trophy Rode a Razorfire Boar into the Sea of Black Tears and live to tell the tale.
Metal God Gold Trophy Achieved 100% completion on the stats screen
Cönquerer Gold Trophy Won 50 ranked multiplayer matches
Rock God Platinum Trophy Got all PS3 trophies
EA新作《野兽传奇》还未推出,便已经创造了一个吉尼斯纪录--上周末,将近500个该游戏的爱好者齐聚英国莱切斯特,同时摆出吉他弹奏姿态。创造了幻想吉他(AIR GUITAR)弹奏的人数吉尼斯世界纪录。(而在刚刚过去的E3 2009上,EA更是利用基督教徒抗议事件对《孢子》进行了一番炒作。
《野兽传奇》将于10月16和13日分别在英国和北美地区发售,同步登陆PS3和Xbox360平台。游戏中,摇滚乐队成员Jack Black的另一个身份,是充满恶魔世界的救世主,凭着摇滚乐去拯救世界。
"Welcome to the Age of Metal"
Got a Car and a Date Completed
"Exploited in the Bowels of Hell"
Start a Revolution Completed
“Thick as a Baby's Arm”
Completed <Lair of the Metal Queen
“Hair Remover”
Completed <Battle for Bladehenge
“French Kiss Instructor”
Completed <Pilgrimage of Screams
“Chicks n' Booze n' Stuff”
Completed <Sanctuary of Sin
“Ran to the Hills”
Completed <It's Raining Death
逃出Bleeding death地狱后解开。
“Fistfull of Fog”
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://www.tulaoshi.com)Completed <Dry Ice, Wet Graves
“No More Tears”
Completed <Sea of Black Tears
Completed Campaign mode on Easy
Completed Campaign mode on Normal
Completed Campaign mode on Brutal
Brutal模式全破。 (破难的,比较简单的也会一起解开。)
“One Hit Wonder”
Purchased 1 upgrade in the Motor Forge
于Motor Forge购买一个升级项目。
“Loyal Customer”
Purchased all upgrades in the Motor Forge
于Morot Forge购买所有升级项目。
Learned all guitar solos
“Voices From Beyond”
Unlocked all songs in the Mouth of Metal
“Some Demon Flesh on your Bumper”
Slayed 150 enemies with the Deuce - any mode
“I've never touched an axe before”
Personally smote 300 enemies - any mode
“Silence, groundwalker!”
Gained 5 or more seconds of hang time in a single jump - any mode
Acquired 3,000 Fire Tributes
Spent 250,000 fans - any mode
于任何模式累积使用超过250,000 fans。
“Metal God”
Achieved 100% completion on the stats screen
游戏里充满Metal气息的Brutal Legend《野兽传奇》,经过笔者狂战十个小时左右后,终于把它给全破了。在将近十一个小时的游玩过程中,除了完成主线任务外,还顺便解了「部份」的支线任务。如果与一般动作游戏来相比的话,《野兽传奇》整体的游戏时数算是非常足够的;如果玩家想要完成游戏中所有的支线任务,可能得花上十几个钟头。
游戏中,玩家所操作的主角是一位名为Eddie Riggs的乐团助理,担任大型演唱会幕后工作者的他,却在一次演唱会里意外受伤。他的鲜血注入父亲所留给他的皮带扣里,因此被传送到到一处充满恶魔与怪物的世界。当地的泰坦族深信救世主将会再一次降临到这个世界,并且利用削铁如泥的神斧拯救世界;只是艾迪万万没想到,救世主传承的开始,居然是从父亲留给他的皮带扣开始。
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