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PS4《飙酷车神》技能挑战攻略,育碧的次世代竞速游戏《飙酷车神》来势汹汹,以强大的车辆改装系统和开放世界模式让人们重新来认识育碧,让人们体验在线多人竞速的游戏。下面为大家带来了《飙酷车神》技能挑战攻略,一起来看看吧!"> document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true)
【 - 飙酷车神 】
1 - 1 ON A DIME(5)
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,增加 1% ~ 5% 的刹车性能
1 point1% increase to your car's braking.
2 point2% increase to your car's braking.
3 point3% increase to your car's braking.
4 point4% increase to your car's braking.
5 point5% increase to your car's braking.
1 - 2 DOUBLE DOWN(10)
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,在每次升级的时候额外增加 2% ~ 20% 获得更多技能点数的几率
1 point2% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
2 point4% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
3 point6% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
4 point8% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问 point10% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
6 point12% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
7 point14% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
8 point16% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
9 point18% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
10 point20% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,降低 3% ~ 30% 购买所有街道零件的费用
1 point3% off the cost of all street parts.
2 point6% off the cost of all street parts.
3 point9% off the cost of all street parts.
4 point12% off the cost of all street parts.
5 point15% off the cost of all street parts.
6 point18% off the cost of all street parts.
7 point21% off the cost of all street parts.
8 point24% off the cost of all street parts.
9 point27% off the cost of all street parts.
10 point30% off the cost of all street parts.
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在每场任务中额外获得 2% ~ 10% 的经验和金钱
1 point2% more XP and $ from missions.
2 point4% more XP and $ from missions.
3 point6% more XP and $ from missions.
4 point8% more XP and $ from missions.
5 point10% more XP and $ from missions.
1 - 5 THE CREW(5)
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在每场任务和帮派任务中额外获得 2% ~ 10% 的经验和金钱
1 pointIncrease Coop bonus(Bucks + XP)in Missions and Faction Missions by 2%.
2 pointIncrease Coop bonus(Bucks + XP)in Missions and Faction Missions by 4%.
3 pointIncrease Coop bonus(Bucks + XP)in Missions and Faction Missions by 6%.
4 pointIncrease Coop bonus(Bucks + XP)in Missions and Faction Missions by 8%.
5 pointIncrease Coop bonus(Bucks + XP)in Missions and Faction Missions by 10%.
2 - 1 LIKE A GLOVE(5)
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,增加 1% ~ 5% 的车辆操控性
1 point1% increase to your car's handling.
2 point2% increase to your car's handling.
3 point3% increase to your car's handling.
4 point4% increase to your car's handling.
5 point5% increase to your car's handling.
2 - 2 INSURANCE(10)
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,减少 5% ~ 50% 的车辆维修费用
1 point5% off the cost of car repairs.
2 point10% off the cost of car repairs.
3 point15% off the cost of car repairs.
4 point20% off the cost of car repairs.
5 point25% off the cost of car repairs.
6 point30% off the cost of car repairs.
7 point35% off the cost of car repairs.
8 point40% off the cost of car repairs.
9 point45% off the cost of car repairs.
10 point50% off the cost of car repairs.
花费 1 ~ 3 点的技能点数,在比赛中获得导航援助;增强导航中的检查点的视距;增加赛道辅助线(蓝线加速,红线减速)
1 piontGet satellite navigation assistance during checkpoint Runs $ Races.
2 piontEnhanced navigation with a visual racing line for checkpoint Runs $ Races.
3 pointVisual racing line is augmented with color coded speed data.
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,减少 3% ~ 30% 购买新车辆的费用
1 point3% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
2 point6% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
3 point9% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
4 point12% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问 point15% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
6 point18% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
7 point21% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
8 point24% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
9 point27% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
10 point30% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,减少 200% ~ 100% 在任何地方修理车辆的费用(首个点数用于解锁该技能)
1 pointUnlock the MOBILE MECHANIC App to repair your car anywhere at 200% of HQ repair cost.
2 pointRepair your car anywhere at 180% of HQ repair cost.
3 pointRepair your car anywhere at 170% of HQ repair cost.
4 pointRepair your car anywhere at 160% of HQ repair cost.
5 pointRepair your car anywhere at 150% of HQ repair cost.
6 pointRepair your car anywhere at140% of HQ repair cost.
7 pointRepair your car anywhere at 130% of HQ repair cost.
8 pointRepair your car anywhere at 120% of HQ repair cost.
9 pointRepair your car anywhere at 110% of HQ repair cost.
10 pointRepair your car anywhere at 100% of HQ repair cost.
3 - 2 THE NEW WORLD(10)
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,显示 550m ~ 1000m 范围内的玩家
1 pointReveal everything within 550m of the player.
2 pointReveal everything within 600m of the player.
3 pointReveal everything within 650m of the player.
4 pointReveal everything within 700m of the player.
5 pointReveal everything within 750m of the player.
6 pointReveal everything within 800m of the player.
7 pointReveal everything within 850m of the player.
8 pointReveal everything within 900m of the player.
9 pointReveal everything within 950m of the player.
10 pointReveal everything within 1000m of the player.
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在每次获得技能的时候增加 2% ~ 10% 获得更多经验和金钱的几率
1 point2% more XP and $ from skills.
2 point4% more XP and $ from skills.
3 point6% more XP and $ from skills.
4 point8% more XP and $ from skills.
5 point10% more XP and $ from skills.
3 - 4 DIRTY DEALS(10)
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,减少 D 级车辆 2% ~ 10% 购买零部件的费用
1 point3% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
2 point6% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
3 point9% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
4 point12% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
5 point15% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
6 point18% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
7 point21% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
8 point24% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
9 point27% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
10 point30% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
4 - 1 HOLESHOT(10)
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,可在任何 PVP模式比赛中使用 10% ~ 100% 的氮气
1 point10% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
2 point20% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
3 point30% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
4 point40% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
5 point50% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
6 point60% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
7 point70% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
8 point80% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
9 point90% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
10 point100% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,增加 2% ~ 20% 的氮气加速
1 point2% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
2 point4% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
3 point6% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
4 point8% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
5 point10% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
6 point12% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
7 point14% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
8 point16% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
9 point18% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
10 point20% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
4 - 3 DAREDEVIL(5)
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在特技比赛中额外获得 2% ~ 10% 的金钱
1 point2% more $ from Stunts.
2 point4% more $ from Stunts.
3 point6% more $ from Stunts.
4 point8% more $ from Stunts.
5 point10% more $ from Stunts.
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,减少 P 级车辆 2% ~ 10% 购买零部件的费用
1 point3% off the cost of all Perf parts.
2 point6% off the cost of all Perf parts.
3 point9% off the cost of all Perf parts.
4 point12% off the cost of all Perf parts.
5 point15% off the cost of all Perf parts.
6 point18% off the cost of all Perf parts.
7 point21% off the cost of all Perf parts.
8 point24% off the cost of all Perf parts.
9 point27% off the cost of all Perf parts.
10 point30% off the cost of all Perf parts.
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,增加 1% ~ 5% 车辆加速度
1 point1% increase to your car's acceleration.
2 point2% increase to your car's acceleration.
3 point3% increase to your car's acceleration.
4 point4% increase to your car's acceleration.
5 point5% increase to your car's acceleration.
花费 1 ~ 3 点的技能点数,2 ~ 4 个好友可同时接受帮派任务
1 point2 friends can be sent on Faction Missions at the same time.
2 point3 friends can be sent on Faction Missions at the same time.
3 point4 friends can be sent on Faction Missions at the same time.
5 - 3 MOTORIOUS(5)
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在帮派任务中额外获得 2% ~ 10% 声望
1 point2% more Reputation Points from Faction Missions $ PVP Events.
2 point4% more Reputation Points from Faction Missions $ PVP Events.
3 point6% more Reputation Points from Faction Missions $ PVP Events.
4 point8% more Reputation Points from Faction Missions $ PVP Events.
5 point10% more Reputation Points from Faction Missions $ PVP Events.
5 - 4 IT ‘ SAS ’ TEAL(10)
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,减少 R 级车辆 3% ~ 30% 购买零部件的费用
1 point3% off the cost of all Raid parts.
2 point6% off the cost of all Raid parts.
3 point9% off the cost of all Raid parts.
4 point12% off the cost of all Raid parts.
5 point15% off the cost of all Raid parts.
6 point18% off the cost of all Raid parts.
7 point21% off the cost of all Raid parts.
8 point24% off the cost of all Raid parts.
9 point27% off the cost of all Raid parts.
10 point30% off the cost of all Raid parts.
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在任何技术挑战赛中获得额外的 3% ~ 15% 速度得分
1 point3% faster scoring in any skill.
2 point6% faster scoring in any skill.
3 point9% faster scoring in any skill.
4 point12% faster scoring in any skill.
5 point15% faster scoring in any skill.
6 - 2 REDINE(5)
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,提升 1% ~ 5% 的车辆最高速度
1 point1% increase to your car's top speed.
2 point2% increase to your car's top speed.
3 point3% increase to your car's top speed.
4 point4% increase to your car's top speed.
5 point5% increase to your car's top speed.
6 - 3 MVP(5)
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在 PVP 模式中获得 2% ~ 10% 额外的经验和金钱
1 point2% more XP and $ from PVP Events.
2 point4% more XP and $ from PVP Events.
3 point6% more XP and $ from PVP Events.
4 point8% more XP and $ from PVP Events.
5 point10% more XP and $ from PVP Events.
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,减少 3% ~ 30% 购买电路零部件的费用
1 point3% off the cost of all circuit parts.
2 point6% off the cost of all circuit parts.
3 point9% off the cost of all circuit parts.
4 point12% off the cost of all circuit parts.
5 point15% off the cost of all circuit parts.
6 point18% off the cost of all circuit parts.
7 point21% off the cost of all circuit parts.
8 point24% off the cost of all circuit parts.
9 point27% off the cost of all circuit parts.
10 point30% off the cost of all circuit parts.
《飙酷车神》是育碧在2013年E3上公开的新作,游戏已经于2014年12月2日登陆欧美,12月4日登陆日本,其对应平台为PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC。尽管游戏已经正式发售一段时间,不过直到现在欧美各大媒体的评分才先后出炉。而作为育碧研发的一款次世代竞速游戏,本作的表现似乎并不算非常理想。从目前出炉的评分(如无特别说明默认满分为10分)来看,除了少量媒体给出了8分的评价外,其他媒体平均评分大概在6-7分左右,而更有一些媒体给出了4-5分的差评。看样子本作还是存在一些令人不满的问题,育碧还需要继续努力改进才好。 Eurogamer – 8 Joystiq – 3/5 Game Informer – 7 PlayStation Lifestyle – 7.5 Softpedia – 6 JeuxActu – 14/20 Power Unlimited – 76/100 PC Gamer – 70/100 Dealspawn – 6 US Gamer – 3.5/5 EGM – 6 Meristation – 7 – 6.5 Polygon – 4.5 – 7.5 Game Revolution – 3/5 Hardcore Gamer – 3/5 – 5.5 Slant – 2/5 PS4《飙酷车神》残骸车位置解析攻略 《飙酷车神》中残骸车是重点收集品之一,下面带来全残骸车地点解析,希望对大家有所帮助。 1、Midwest (street spec) 在这个地图,你将发现的所有20个地点在街道中西部 中西部的北部。 中西部的南部。 2、East Coast (dirt spec) 在这个地图,你会发现所有的20个地点在东海岸。 东海岸的北部。 东海岸的南部。 育碧旗下竞速大作《飙酷车神》已经发布了,游戏中每个地区都有一辆可收集车,接下来为大家带来玩家分享总结的所有收集车辆一览及收集心得,喜欢收集的玩家们可以参考一下。 先上所有的图 S版 D版 P版 R版 C版 收集前呢最好全图都解锁的状态 不过没解锁也没关系,我们有Fast Travel这个神器。 我们只要活用FT,收集起来并不是很困难。 首先呢先把地图打开,在上方的过滤栏中选择EXPLORATION,然后B键。 在最后一栏里选择UNDISCOVERED,这时候呢所有你没有收集到的车的零件都会在地图上显示出来。 但这时候还不是一个点,像雷达一样它只有个范围例如下图的黑色圈圈。 当你找到黑色圈圈呢,点击圈圈的最中心,然后FT,像上图一样,把自己放到圈圈的中心。 这是呢你会自动退出地图,然后你就可以听到和看到提示,而且99%是绿色信号哦~~~ 有的时候呢,废车暴露的很明显,例如下图 看见没??最中央的那辆废车?眼睛好的机油们直接FT到它旁边就行了。 PS4《飙酷车神》刷技能挑战心得 《飙酷车神》通过技能挑战一方面可以快速上手游戏,另一方面增加了游戏的难度和乐趣。下面带来技能挑战心得,希望对大家有所帮助。 个人上手心得: 1、挑战方向的选择:大家都知道,除了爬坡和跳远有特定的挑战方向外,其余的挑战都是两个方向都可以的,方向的选择很重要! 比如速度技能,如果触发点的左方是弯道较多的一方,而右方是一条大直道,我们当然会选择从开往右方进行挑战。至于其它技能关于挑战方向的选择,大家可以根据具体情况举一反三,合理选择。 2、关于车辆选择:大家一定很纳闷为什么我推荐的大多数都是稳定型的车辆。这是因为稳定性几乎是所有挑战中想要取得好成绩的第一要素,究其原因,全在于分数加成这个设定里面,分数加成的保持远远比零散通过较多的标识点获得的分数要高得多!! 3、关于挑战的起点:我们知道通过触发点,技能挑战就开始了,但是上面大部分的技能还是受初速度影响比较大的,所以有时我们可以把车辆放到离技能触发点较远的地方,这样可以让车辆在触发技能的时候有较高的初速度。 4、第四种技能挑战:逃脱技能这里要单独提一下,这种挑战方向的选择也很重要,如果一方是树林,另一方是一马平川,我们当然要选择一马平川这一方进行挑战。另外,我们逃脱的路线最好是圆心发射的射线,这样能最有效逃离不断扩展的雷达。逃离雷达是为了争取更多的挑战时间,但是分数的加成是要看你行车的路程的,所以有时候不一定非要径直的逃离,要综合考虑,选择合适的逃脱路线。 5、挑战完会有零件奖励,奖牌越好,零件也会越好,而且一个奖牌不单只会获得一种零件,比如说如果你挑战两次都获得了金牌,可能两次得到的零件是不一样的,零件的获取有一点随机性。怪不得育碧说要把这游戏打造成赛车游戏中的魔兽世界,这样看来,确实有那么一点意思。可以以后要不断的刷零件了,不过这也是一种乐趣。 6、总结:技能挑战真的很具挑战性!!对于手残党来说,这将会是相当痛快的事情! PS4《飙酷车神》技能挑战攻略 《飙酷车神》中的技能挑战作为游戏重要玩法,推荐大家还是努力的去刷刷试试,下面带来技能挑战攻略,希望对大家有所帮助。 1、绕桩技能 这种技能挑战就是以S型行车路线来回通过桩点。连续绕桩成功的点越多,加成会越高,同时难度也会越大,主要表现为后期桩点距离离得越来越近,车身调整的距离减少。 总体难度:★★ 趣味性:★★★ 建议车辆选择:稳定型 2、行车路线技能 这种技能挑战是让车辆在限定的路线上行驶,不偏离路线跑的距离越远,加成会越高,每偏离路线一次,加成减一个级别。随着加成的提高,难度也会增大,如上图所示,主要表现为后期的路线标识会越来越窄。 总体难度:★★★★ 趣味性:★★★ 建议车辆选择:稳定型 3、速度技能 这种技能挑战是让车辆尽量的以高速在道路上面行驶(只有水泥路面才有效,跑到泥路上面没有分数加成),随着行驶的距离加大,加成会越高,偏离道路会停止加分,碰到街会加成减一个级别。 总体难度:★★ 趣味性:★★ 建议车辆选择:速度稳定型 4、逃脱技能 这种技能挑战触发后,会有一个红圈以触发点为中心向外扩散,如果车辆速度过慢,被这个红圈触碰到,那么挑战结束。玩家要做的是以尽快的速度逃离这个红圈,然后争取在挑战时间内尽量的多走路程,因为分数加成的标准就是行车距离。 总体难度:★★//★★★(两个难度级别是因为这个和挑战点周围的地形有较大的关系) 趣味性:★★★★ 建议车辆选择:加速型(如果触发点周围是泥地,建议用Dirt或者Raid改装方向的车) 5、爬山技能 这类技能很奇葩,出现的地方大多是没有道路的山脚下,少数出现在山上的道路上。得分方式除了行车距离,还有一个是撞击标识点。这个玩的相对较少,暂时说的不是很详细。 总体难度:★★★//★★★★(两个难度级别是因为这个和挑战点周围的地形有较大的关系,有些山脚下全是碎石,这时难度就比较大了) 趣味性:★★★★ 建议车辆选择:爬坡型,如Raid改装方向的车(Dirt改装方向的车其实不是很适合,不过相对于S和以后的R或P改装方向的车会好点) 6、精确度技能 这种技能挑战是让车辆标识门中间通过,连续成功通过的个数越多,加成会越高,每通过失败一次,加成减一个级别。随着加成的提高,难度也会增大,如上图所示,主要表现为后期的标识门会越来越窄,到最窄的时候,基本上只能通过一辆车了。 总体难度:★★★★★ 趣味性:★★★★ 建议车辆选择:稳定型 7、夺旗技能 这种技能其实和上面的精确度技能那个有点相像,不同的是这个挑战不需要精确地从标识门中间通过,只要车身触及标识就算成功,连续成功通过的个数越多,加成会越高,每通过失败一次,加成减一个级别。随着加成的提高,难度也会增大,主要表现为后期的标识门分布的弯道半径会越来越小。 总体难度:★★★ 趣味性:★★★★ 建议车辆选择:稳定型 8、跳远技能 这技能应该不用过多解释,最简单明了,跳的越远,分数越高。技能触发后,会在触发点前方有一个跳台,以高速冲上跳台,落点处划有三条分数线,越过哪一条,就获得哪一条以上的最好的奖牌。 总体难度:★ 趣味性:★★★★★ 建议车辆选择:极速较高型
《飙酷车神》欧美媒体评分公布 整体表现不理想
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