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SSR法的基本思想是:在不使用网格的前提下,通过使用Adobe Illustrator里的工具使某一对象处于等角的平面上。这个方法特别是对多弧线或者结构复杂的对象来说,更加实用。
Step 1
Create a 4 inch square with your Rectangle tool.
Step 2
With the square selected double-click on your Scale tool. Scale the square 86.062% vertically.
Step 3
With your object selected double-click on the Shear tool and shear the object 30 degrees.
Step 4
With the object selected double-click on the Rotate tool and rotate it -30 degrees. You have now created the top of your cube.
Step 5
To create the left side of the cube, begin with a 4 inch square. Scale vertically 86.062%, Shear -30 degress, and Rotate -30 degrees.
Step 6
Use the selection tool (black arrow) to line up the front corner with the top of the cube.
To create the right side of the cube, begin with a 4 inch square. Scale vertically 86.062%, Shear 30 degrees, and Rotate 30 degrees.
Step 7
Next, move the pieces into place with your Selection tool. You have now created an isometric cube without using a grid.
The power of this method becomes apparent when you try to create an object that would be very difficult to construct on a grid. This method only works if you have a set of orthographics to work with.
Making a Stratocaster Using the SSR Method
For this example I’m going to build the body of a Guitar. To make this complex shape in isometric using only a grid would be a challenge. The complex curves and compound shapes would be very difficult to recreate accurately.
Step 1
There are many ways to make a set of orthographics depending on your object. You can look online for a set of blue prints, you could trace a photo, and if you own the object you could take it
apart and measure it. Use whatever method works best for your project.
One quick Google search and I’ve found the perfect set of factory blueprints of the 62 vintage re-issue Fender Stratocaster. These blueprints are much more detailed then I need, but you can be as precise as you’d like for your own projects. Having too much information about your object is never a bad thing.
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://www.tulaoshi.com/illustrator/)1. 绘制对象的一些基本图形有很多的方法。你可以是参照蓝图的大致的轮廓,你也可以是手动描摹照片,或者如果你有实物的话,你也可以是把它的东西逐一地测量,然后绘制。选择你觉得最好的方法绘制。
我用Google的快速搜索,找到了一张62 vintage re-issue Fender Stratocaster.(电吉他的型号)的生产图纸,这张图纸有我所需要的细节的东西。当然你也可以根据你自己设计的要求,搜索一张更加高清的图纸。图纸的细节内容表现地越是丰富越是祥尽,对你来说不会是一件坏事。
Step 2
Trace your blueprints. I’m going to trace just the information I need to complete my isometric, and I’m going to simplify parts of the design.
2. 描摹蓝图。我描摹的只是我需要的那部分内容,以完成之后的等角图的绘制。并且我简化了设计。
Step 3
Once you’ve chosen your orientation you can scale, shear, rotate (SSR), your bottom plane.
3. 当你要给对象定位时,你可以使用比例缩放,倾斜,旋转(SSR)。这是吉他底层的面。
Scale vertically:比例缩放,不等比:垂直:86.062%
Shear 30:倾斜30度
You can check your work by comparing any edges that in the orthographic are 90 degrees or 180 degrees. These edges will now fall onto an isometric grid; they will either be on the 30 degree or 150 degree angle.
Step 4
Now that you’ve created your base you have something to work off of. By taking the side view of the orthographic and scale, shear, rotate (SSR) it onto the Isometric plane you can figure out the thickness of the guitar body.
4. 现在你完成了底部的绘制。再来绘制吉他的侧面视图。比例缩放,倾斜,旋转(SSR)。并且在等角平面上,你可以利用这个侧面视图计算出吉他琴身的厚度。
Scale vertically:比例缩放,不等比:垂直:86.062%
Shear 30:倾斜30度
Rotate 30:旋转30度
Step 5
Line up the bottom edge of the guitar body with the corner of the orthographic side view.
5. 将吉他琴身底下(底层的面)的边和吉他侧面视图上的控制角点(锚点)对齐。
Step 6
Next you want to copy the outline of the guitar body and move it up to the top edge of the side view. To do this use your Selection tool and click and drag on the edge of the outline, before letting go, engage the Option button to make a copy. You should also use the Shift key to constrain the movement. Holding the Shift key while moving the shape will ensure it stays lined up with the original.
6. 现在你要复制一个吉他琴身的外形轮廓,把它移到吉他侧面视图上的顶部的边上(图示)。要实现这一步,你可以使用选择工具,然后点选图示的下面那个点(吉他琴身与侧面视图相交的下面那个点),然后把它平移到图示的上面那个点(吉他琴身与侧面视图相交的上面那个点)。平移之前,先选择相应的选项按钮,制作吉他琴身的副本。你也可以使用Shift键来约束对象的移动。当移动形状时,按住Shift键,确保对象是向上平移的。
Step 7
Now you have blocked out the top and bottom planes of the guitar body. The next step is to cut out the spot where the neck is inset. Start by connecting the top and bottom planes of the neck opening so it’s easier to see the area that you are working on.
7. 现在你大致画好了吉他琴身的顶部和底部的面。下一步是,把插入的琴颈(侧面视图)从吉他琴身里抽出,然后连接琴颈开口的地方。这样有助于你看清楚接下来要绘制的内容。
Step 8
Using the side view you can mark off how deep the neck cutaway goes into the body. You now have three planes, the top, bottom and depth of the cutaway.
8. 你可以使用侧面的视图来测算嵌到吉他里的琴颈剖面的深度。这时,你就有了3个面:顶部、底部和剖面的深度。
Step 9
The next step is to use the Scissors tool to cut away all the excess lines you don’t need anymore. This is often the hardest part for an artist new to technical drawing. All the overlapping lines and shapes can be overwhelming. But if you take your time and start with the clear big shapes it will help to clean up the more complex areas.
9. 下一步是使用剪刀工具剪去多余的线条。这对于绘画技术不熟练的人来说,是比较难操作的一步。可能有很多需要隐藏的重叠线条和形状(这些线条和形状必须剪掉)。但如果你有时间的话,最好还是再画一个大一点、清晰一点的形状,这将更有助于你清理不需要的线条。
Step 10
After clearing away all the line you don’t need anymore, connect your corners and finish the shapes.
10、 剪掉不需要的线条之后,连接控制角点(锚点),以完成最后的吉他琴身。
Add some line quality and you’re finished.
You have now finished the body of the guitar. You could continue on and complete the entire guitar, the exact same steps would apply for each part. This is an example of an exploded isometric of a Stratocaster I did a few years ago with this method.
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