CentOS 6如何修改磁盘配额限制

2016-02-19 08:56 11 1 收藏

get新技能是需要付出行动的,即使看得再多也还是要动手试一试。今天图老师小编跟大家分享的是CentOS 6如何修改磁盘配额限制,一起来学习了解下吧!

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为了避免用户过度的使用磁盘空间,管理员会对磁盘空间进行配额限制,以免影响系统运行,但在有些时候,因为磁盘配额限制设置的不合理,导致磁盘空间不够用,这时就需要对磁盘配额进行修改,下面图老师小编就给大家介绍下CentOS 6如何修改磁盘配额限制。

 CentOS 6如何修改磁盘配额限制

CentOS建五个用户,均需要进行磁盘配额限制,每个用户的配额为 10MB (hard) 以及 8MB (soft)


[root@localhost ~]# uname -a

Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Nov 22 03:15:09 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[root@localhost ~]# nl /etc/issue

1 CentOS release 6.5 (Final)

2 Kernel r on an m


[root@linuxidc ~]# vi au.sh


groupadd vbirdgroup

for username in vbird1 vbird2 vbird3 vbird4 vbird5


useradd -G vbirdgroup $username

echo password | passwd --stdin $username


[root@linuxidc ~]# sh au.sh

Changing password for user vbird1.

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Changing password for user vbird2.

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Changing password for user vbird3.

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Changing password for user vbird4.

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Changing password for user vbird5.

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.


[root@linuxidc ~]# ll /home/

total 28

drwx------。 4 vbird1 vbird1 4096 Dec 1 15:57 vbird1

drwx------。 4 vbird2 vbird2 4096 Dec 1 15:57 vbird2

drwx------。 4 vbird3 vbird3 4096 Dec 1 15:57 vbird3

drwx------。 4 vbird4 vbird4 4096 Dec 1 15:57 vbird4

drwx------。 4 vbird5 vbird5 4096 Dec 1 15:57 vbird5

drwx------。 4 zxw zxw 4096 Sep 18 18:03 zxw


[root@linuxidc ~]# id vbird1

uid=503(vbird1) gid=504(vbird1) groups=504(vbird1),503(vbirdgroup)


[root@linuxidc ~]# mkdir /home/vbirdgroup

[root@linuxidc ~]# chgrp vbirdgroup /home/vbirdgroup/


[root@linuxidc ~]# chmod 2770 /home/vbirdgroup/

[root@linuxidc ~]# ll -d /home/linuxidc/

drwx---rwx. 5 linuxidc linuxidc 4096 Sep 18 14:13 /home/linuxidc/





4、现在 磁盘配额概要



quota 数据文件建置

quota 启动

建立用户 quota 信息

5、将 /home 独立一个分区,因为 quota 仅支持 filesystem 而不支持单一目录


[root@localhost ~]# nl /etc/fstab

1 #

2 # /etc/fstab

3 # Created by anaconda on Tue Dec 2 18:52:50 2014

4 #

5 # Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under ‘/dev/disk’

6 # See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info

7 #

8 UUID=93cd7207-78c4-4a95-be1b-7451772c21ad / ext4 defaults 1 1

9 UUID=9a982f8d-d590-49f2-9cf1-e07a5b8238dd /boot ext4 defaults 1 2

10 UUID=c8939b59-9a73-45fa-bd5a-f016a5aa631e /home ext4 defaults,usrquota,grpquota 1 2

11 UUID=1f3d9eaf-e140-47ab-ae99-fcf1516d2070 swap swap defaults 0 0

12 tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0

13 devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0

14 sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0

15 proc /proc proc defaults 0 0


[root@localhost ~]# umount /home/; mount -a

[root@localhost ~]# mount | grep home

/dev/sda3 on /home type ext4 (rw,usrquota,grpquota)


[root@localhost ~]# qutoacheck -avug

-bash: qutoacheck: command not found

[root@localhost ~]#

8、查找、安装 quota

[root@localhost ~]# find / -name qutoacheck

[root@localhost ~]#

[root@localhost ~]# rpm -qa | grep quota



[root@localhost ~]# yum -y install quota-3.17-20.el6.x86_64

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security

Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

* base: centos.ustc.edu.cn

* extras: centos.ustc.edu.cn

* updates: centos.ustc.edu.cn

base | 3.7 kB 00:00

base/primary_db | 4.6 MB 00:29

extras | 3.4 kB 00:00

extras/primary_db | 29 kB 00:00

updates | 3.4 kB 00:00

updates/primary_db | 910 kB 00:05

Setting up Install Process

Nothing to do

[root@localhost ~]#


[root@localhost ~]# quotacheck -avug

quotacheck: Your kernel probably supports journaled quota but you are not using it. Consider switching to journaled quota to avoid running quotacheck after an unclean shutdown.

quotacheck: Scanning /dev/sda3 [/home] done

quotacheck: Cannot stat old user quota file /home/aquota.user: No such file or directory. Usage will not be substracted.

quotacheck: Cannot stat old group quota file /home/aquota.group: No such file or directory. Usage will not be substracted.


quotacheck: Cannot stat old user quota file /home/aquota.user: No such file or directory. Usage will not be substracted.

quotacheck: Cannot stat old group quota file /home/aquota.group: No such file or directory. Usage will not be substracted.


quotacheck: Checked 33 directories and 18 files

quotacheck: Old file not found.

quotacheck: Old file not found.

[root@localhost ~]# quotaon -avug

/dev/sda3 [/home]: group quotas turned on

/dev/sda3 [/home]: user quotas turned on


[root@localhost ~]# edquota -u vbird1

Disk quotas for user vbird1 (uid 501):

Filesystem blocks soft hard inodes soft hard

/dev/sda3 32 8000 10000 8 0 0


[root@localhost ~]# edquota -u vbird2


[root@localhost ~]# edquota -p vbird1 vbird2 vbird3 vbird4 vbird5


[root@localhost ~]# repquota -au

*** Report for user quotas on device /dev/sda3

Block grace time: 7days; Inode grace time: 7days

Block limits File limits

User used soft hard grace used soft hard grace


root -- 24 0 0 3 0 0

zxw -- 32 0 0 8 0 0

vbird1 -- 32 8000 10000 8 0 0

vbird2 -- 32 8000 10000 8 0 0

vbird3 -- 32 8000 10000 8 0 0

vbird4 -- 32 8000 10000 8 0 0

vbird5 -- 32 8000 10000 8 0 0


[vbird1@localhost ~]$ ll -h

total 7.6M

-rw-rw-r--。 1 vbird1 vbird1 1.7M Dec 2 14:01 cont.txt

-rw-r--r--。 1 root root 49K Dec 2 13:59 install.log

-rw-rw-r--。 1 vbird1 vbird1 5.8M Dec 2 14:02 v.txt

[vbird1@localhost ~]$


[vbird1@localhost ~]$ nl cont.txt 》》 v.txt

sda3: warning, user block quota exceeded.


[vbird1@localhost ~]$ ll -h

total 9.5M

-rw-rw-r--。 1 vbird1 vbird1 1.7M Dec 2 14:01 cont.txt

-rw-r--r--。 1 root root 49K Dec 2 13:59 install.log

-rw-rw-r--。 1 vbird1 vbird1 7.7M Dec 2 14:02 v.txt


[vbird1@localhost ~]$ nl cont.txt 》》 v.txt

sda3: write failed, user block limit reached.

nl: write error: Disk quota exceeded


[vbird1@localhost ~]$

[vbird1@localhost ~]$ ll -h

total 9.8M

-rw-rw-r--。 1 vbird1 vbird1 1.7M Dec 2 14:01 cont.txt

-rw-r--r--。 1 root root 49K Dec 2 13:59 install.log

-rw-rw-r--。 1 vbird1 vbird1 8.1M Dec 2 14:03 v.txt


[vbird1@localhost ~]$ nl cont.txt 》》 v.txt

nl: write error: Disk quota exceeded

[vbird1@localhost ~]$ ll -h

total 9.8M

-rw-rw-r--。 1 vbird1 vbird1 1.7M Dec 2 14:01 cont.txt

-rw-r--r--。 1 root root 49K Dec 2 13:59 install.log

-rw-rw-r--。 1 vbird1 vbird1 8.1M Dec 2 14:03 v.txt

上面就是CentOS 6修改磁盘配额限制的方法介绍了,本文主要介绍的是CentOS增加磁盘配额限制方面的修改,如果你需要减少磁盘配额限制不可使用本文方法进行修改。


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