MYSQL出现" Client does not support authentication "的解决方法

2016-02-19 12:04 9 1 收藏

给自己一点时间接受自己,爱自己,趁着下午茶的时间来学习图老师推荐的MYSQL出现" Client does not support authentication "的解决方法,过去的都会过去,迎接崭新的开始,释放更美好的自己。

【 - 编程语言 】

MYSQL 帮助:A.2.3 Client does not support authentication protocol

MySQL 4.1 and up uses an authentication protocol based on a password hashing algorithm that is incompatible with that used by older clients. If you upgrade the server to 4.1, attempts to connect to it with an older client may fail with the following message:

shell mysqlClient does not support authentication protocol requestedby server; consider upgrading MySQL client

To solve this problem, you should use one of the following approaches:

Upgrade all client programs to use a 4.1.1 or newer client library. When connecting to the server with a pre-4.1 client program, use an account that still has a pre-4.1-style password. Reset the password to pre-4.1 style for each user that needs to use a pre-4.1 client program. This can be done using the SET PASSWORD statement and the OLD_PASSWORD() function:
mysql SET PASSWORD FOR  - 'some_user'@'some_host' = OLD_PASSWORD('newpwd');
Alternatively, use UPDATE and FLUSH PRIVILEGES:
mysql UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = OLD_PASSWORD('newpwd')  - WHERE Host = 'some_host' AND User = 'some_user';mysql FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
Substitute the password you want to use for ``newpwd'' in the preceding examples. MySQL cannot tell you what the original password was, so you'll need to pick a new one. Tell the server to use the older password hashing algorithm: Start mysqld with the --old-passwords option. Assign an old-format password to each account that has had its password updated to the longer 4.1 format. You can identify these accounts with the following query:
mysql SELECT Host, User, Password FROM mysql.user  - WHERE LENGTH(Password)  16;
For each account record displayed by the query, use the Host and User values and assign a password using the OLD_PASSWORD() function and either SET PASSWORD or UPDATE, as described earlier.

For additional background on password hashing and authentication, see section 5.5.9 Password Hashing in MySQL 4.1.



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