Beginner with c# 4

2016-02-19 12:09 4 1 收藏

今天天气好晴朗处处好风光,好天气好开始,图老师又来和大家分享啦。下面给大家推荐Beginner with c# 4,希望大家看完后也有个好心情,快快行动吧!

【 - 编程语言 】

1?£4 ?¤?¨ò?ààDí£¨Predefined types£?



int i = 0;
if (i = 0) { // Bug: ó|??ê? (i == 0)
/* ê???óD?êìaμ??£μ??úc#?D?áòy·¢ò???±àò?′í?ó£¨error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert
type int to bool£??£μ±è?£??a?ù?téüá?ò?μ???óD±?òaμ?áé??D??£?ò???ùò22??ü?a?ù£o*/
string str;
if(str = Console.ReadLine()) {
  Console.WriteLine("Your comments are: {0}",str);
/* ??±?D?£o*/
using System;
class BoolTest
  static void Main() {
    string str = Console.ReadLine();//ò2?éò?£ostring str;
    if(str == "")                   //        if((str = Console.ReadLine()) == "")
      Console.WriteLine("i cant read your comments. Please tell me something! O.K.?");
      Console.WriteLine("Your comments are: {0}",str);

Type      Description                                      Examples

object    The ultimate base type of all other types        object o = new Stack();

string    String type; a string is a sequence of           string s = "Hello";
          Unicode characters

sbyte     8-bit signed integral type                       sbyte val = 12;

short     16-bit signed integral type                      short val = 12;

int       32-bit signed integral type                      int val = 12;

long      64-bit signed integral type                      long val1 = 12;
                                                           long val2 = 34L;

byte      8-bit unsigned integral type                     byte val1 = 12;
                                                           byte val2 = 34U;

ushort    16-bit unsigned integral type                    ushort val1 = 12;
                                                           ushort val2 = 34U;

uint      32-bit unsigned integral type                    uint val1 = 12;
                                                           uint val2 = 34U;

ulong     64-bit unsigned integral type                    ulong val1 = 12;
                                                           ulong val2 = 34U;
                                                           ulong val3 = 56L;
                                                           ulong val4 = 78UL;

float     Single-precision floating point type             float value = 1.23F;

double    Double-precision floating point type             double val1 = 1.23
                                                           double val2 = 4.56D;

bool     Boolean type; a bool value is either              bool value = true;
         true or false

char     Character type; a char value is a Unicode         char value = h;



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