另类的VS.NET 的资源

2016-02-19 12:17 6 1 收藏

下面请跟着图老师小编一起来了解下另类的VS.NET 的资源,精心挑选的内容希望大家喜欢,不要忘记点个赞哦!

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另类的VS.NET 的资源


小气的神 2001.08.25

突然发现自己IE的Favorites中有关dotnet的链接慢慢的多起来,从开始的一两个到现在越来越多的链接。我想,是因为有越来越多的人开始对dotnet感兴趣了,比如C#、Web Service、XML。我很喜欢现在VS.NET的IDE,除了需要更多的内存外,功能很丰富,而且越来越智能。但除了MS网站上的说明,很难找到其他的信息和资源,我找到和收集了一些,希望对你有用:

CodeSwap :

今天我安装了这个小东东,这样我可以将自己的代码发布到网络中,而且所有安装了这个软件的人都可查找和共享这些代码。就像找寻mp3歌曲一样,我输入了一个“API”果然有这样标题的文章存在,甚至你可以投票表示你的意见。最有意思的是它也是一个Web   Service ,目前收集的文章还不是很多,但这种类似P2P的模式让我有一种不同的沟通方式。

VS.NET beta2 Add-in:

国外有许多公司在做MS编程工具的Add-in或辅助工具,MS也很早发表了VS.NET的DIA SDK,最早在Beta1发表时就看到了Visual XSLT 的Add-in,Beta2的时候Crystal Reports 成了缺省的选项被安装在VS.NET中。据MS的资料显示说有一些有关Automation samples的例子在Visual Studio .NET Beta 2 Professional Edition中是被遗漏了,但我在企业版中似乎也没有发现这些例子,不过我在这里发现这些例子和另外一些有趣的东西,里面还包括一些MS网站上dotnet的例子比如:VBCSharpwalkthroughs、IBuySpy,值得Download当然也包括一个Viso的帮助zip。MS的目录中没有任何说明,我附带了说明在后面,这样你大致知道那些Zip包都是干什么的了。提醒你要去赶快去,已经有一段时间了,不知MS会不会改Password。

Automation samples 清单:
Spell Check Macro
This is a macro that does spell-checking uses Word and C# Windows Forms for
the UI.

ToolWindow Add-ins
This collection of three add-ins demonstrates how to create ToolWindows in
C#, Visual Basic .NET and C++.

PostBuildRules Add-in
This add-in allows the user to create rules that are applied after the
solution build completes. This Visual Basic .NET add-in demonstrates the use
of events and the globals object in the Visual Studio .NET Automation Model.

PreBuildRules Add-in
This add-in allows the user to create rules that are applied before the
solution build starts. This C# add-in demonstrates the use of events and the
globals object in the Visual Studio .NET Automation Model.

Solution Extender Add-in
This sample demonstrates the use of Automation Extenders to "extend"
existing Visual Studio objects with new properties and methods. You can
extend property grid display objects as well as automation objects so that
more methods and properties are available to the caller. This sample extends
both the Solution property grid display object as well as the DTE.Solution
automation object.


WSH Script
The wsh-vs.js sample demonstrates using Windows Scripting Host to launch
Visual Studio. It will create an instance of VS, and add a task item. To use
this sample, just double click on it from explorer, or type wsh-vs.js at a
Windows command prompt.

ScriptHost Add-in
ScriptHost hosts the VBScript engine, and allows you to run VBS macros from
VC6 in the VS7 IDE. You do not need to make any syntatical changes to your
code except for method/property calls that are not available in V7.

Web App Provider Add-in
This sample is the source code to the Web App Provider Add-in that allows
you to upload your website to Hosting Providers from the homepage.

GenerateHTML Add-in
The GenerateHTML Add-in takes the current selection in the texteditor and
generates colorized HTML with the proper formatting

Unsupported Tools
This archive contains unsupported tools to be used with the Visual Studio
Object model. The following items are currently available: ExtBrws.dll:To
use it, regsvr32 the dll, then load it from the VS or VBA Add-in Manager
dialog. Click the item on the Tools menu to bring up a dialog that displays
all the late bound objects available under DTE, DTE.Events, or
DTE.Properties. GenerateIcoData.exe:This is a program that will generate
data that can be entered into the registry settings for an Add-in that
displays Help About information. When generating the registry keys for Help
About information, an icon is needed for display. To generate the binary
data for the registry, you would create a binary value, and copy the hex
information into this value. This tool generates this information.

Simple Add-ins
The Add-in will display a Message Box as each member of IDTExtensibility2 is
called. It will also add a button to the Tools menu, which when clicked
displays a message. The Button that is added is done using the old style
Office CommandBars, rather than AddNamedCommand.

RegExplore Add-in
RegExplore is an Add-in that emulates the Registry Editor, but as a tool
window within the environment. Some of the object model functionality
demonstrated includes:

Web Service Searching:

记得以前我在一篇有关Web Service的文章中写过,以后会有一个象现在门户网站一样的Web Service的门户网站,一个月前我发现了这家网站,当时它被记载在VisualstudioWire的Headlines中,目前它收集了许多方方面面的Web Serveice,当然从未来的眼光来看还是太少太少。更有趣的是你在VS.NET beta2中选择Project 菜单中的 Add Web Reference...,然后在弹出的对话框中直接输入http://www.salcentral.com/dotne.asp你发现这些Web Service直接就可以使用在你的应用程序中。
这家网站收集Web Service的速度还在飞涨,许多人都在Upload自己的Web Service。你可以去下面的网址了解具体的内容:

VS.NET 的命令行启动:


Available command line switches:
/build build the specified solution configurat


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标签: windows 操作系统
Net User命令是一个DOS命令,必须在Windows XP下的MS-DOS模式下运行,所以首先要进入MS-DOS模式:选择“开始”菜单的“附件”选项的子选项“命令提示符”,或在“开始”菜单的“运行”选项(快捷键为Win+R)中输入“cmd.exe”,进入MS-DOS模式。以下功能都基于此模式下。 建立一个普通新用户 在MS-DOS提示符中输入...
当VS.NET2003遇上VS.NET2005WebService部署何去何从作者:贺星河(hxhbluestar)时间:2005-1-16【问题描叙】重装操作系统之后,部署原来的Web Service出现无法访问、无法调试的问题【原编程环境】VS.NET2003(.NET Framework 1.1 SP1),Windows XP SP1【新编程环境】VS.NET2003(.NET Framework 1.1 SP1),VS.NET 2005 Beta1(.NET Framework 2.0 )...