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关于 const 的一件美妙的事情是它允许你指定一种语义上的约束:一个特定的对象不应该被修改。而编译器将执行这一约束。它允许你通知编译器和其他程序员,某个值应该保持不变。如果确实如此,你就应该明确地表示出来,因为这样一来,你就可以谋取编译器的帮助,确定这个值不会被改变。char greeting[] = "Hello";
char *p = greeting; // non-const pointer,
// non-const data
const char *p = greeting; // non-const pointer,
// const data
char * const p = greeting; // const pointer,
// non-const data
const char * const p = greeting; // const pointer,
// const data
void f1(const Widget *pw); // f1 takes a pointer to a
// constant Widget object
void f2(Widget const *pw); // so does f2
std::vectorint vec;
const std::vectorint::iterator iter = // iter acts like a T* const
*iter = 10; // OK, changes what iter points to
++iter; // error! iter is const
std::vectorint::const_iterator cIter = //cIter acts like a const T*
*cIter = 10; // error! *cIter is const
++cIter; // fine, changes cIter
class Rational { ... };
const Rational operator*(const Rational& lhs, const Rational& rhs);
Rational a, b, c;
(a * b) = c; // invoke operator= on the
// result of a*b!
if (a * b = c) ... // oops, meant to do a comparison!
class TextBlock {
const char& operator[](std::size_t position) const // operator[] for
{ return text[position]; } // const objects
char& operator[](std::size_t position) // operator[] for
{ return text[position]; } // non-const objects
std::string text;
TextBlock tb("Hello");
std::cout tb[0]; // calls non-const
// TextBlock::operator[]
const TextBlock ctb("World");
std::cout ctb[0]; // calls const TextBlock::operator[]
void print(const TextBlock& ctb) // in this function, ctb is const
std::cout ctb[0]; // calls const TextBlock::operator[]
std::cout tb[0]; // fine - reading a
// non-const TextBlock
tb[0] = ’x’; // fine - writing a
// non-const TextBlock
std::cout ctb[0]; // fine - reading a
// const TextBlock
ctb[0] = ’x’; // error! - writing a
// const TextBlock
tb[0] = ’x’;
class CTextBlock {
char& operator[](std::size_t position) const // inappropriate (but bitwise
{ return pText[position]; } // const) declaration of
// operator[]
char *pText;
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