
2016-02-19 12:45 34 1 收藏


【 - 编程语言 】

  {unti AXScript v.1.0 05/28/97 - converted header file for Microsoft ActiveScript.

  Original conversion of the ActiveScript header by David Zajac (
  for Delphi 2.x.

  Modified by Brian Dupras ( for Delphi 3.0 using interfaces
  instead of classes (which was necessary for D2).

  This unit is released to the public.  No warrenty or guarentee of *anything*
  is expressed or implied.  Use this code at your own risk - any damage is your
  own fault for trusting me.  If you find any error in this code, fix it.  If
  you're nice, let me know about the error so I can fix it, too.

  This code has to date (May 28, 1997) only been tested for creating a host for
  ActiveScript.  I have not tried creating a scripting engine with it (and probably
  never will).  But I've been able to host both MS JScript and MS VBScript.

  Good luck,
      Brian Dupras  5/28/97


  Ahh..updates.  I've updated this unit slilghtly, and created a helper unit called
  (and aptly so) AXScriptHelp.  The only major additions were those to support
  MS IE4.  The other updates to this unit were minor - a few slight type differences
  and some parameter name changes.  Mostly cosmetic stuff.

  Again, Good luck,

  Brian 7/6/97

  By the way, JScript, VBScript and ActiveScript are registered trademarks of
  Microsoft Corporation.

  More updates still.  Thank you Gary Warren King for noticing that I'm an idiot.

  SCRIPTTHREADID_ALL were originally thought to be C++ MACROS.  Upon second look,
  however, they're not macros, they're #define constants that typcast the values
  -1, -2, and -3 to the #typdef SCRIPTTHREADID.  Looking into another's activescript
  conversion confirmed this, so the change has been made and duely noted.

  We'll call this version 1.1 of the ActivScp.h conversion. 

  Brian Dupras  8/26/97

  p.s.  At the time of this writing, a slightly older demo using this header is
  available at the Delphi Super Page.  The URL is, and the file is  It can be
  found under Delphi 3, Apps With Sources.  I plan to pust real soon
  now, so get that one if it's there.

  unit AXScript;



    Windows, ActiveX;

    //Category IDs
    CATID_ActiveScript:TGUID=              '{F0B7A1A1-9847-11cf-8F20-00805F2CD064}';
    CATID_ActiveScriptParse:TGUID=         '{F0B7A1A2-9847-11cf-8F20-00805F2CD064}';


    //Interface IDs
    IID_IActiveScriptSite:TGUID=           '{DB01A1E3-A42B-11cf-8F20-00805F2CD064}';
    IID_IActiveScriptSiteWindow:TGUID=     '{D10F6761-83E9-11cf-8F20-00805F2CD064}';
    IID_IActiveScript:TGUID=               '{BB1A2AE1-A4F9-11cf-8F20-00805F2CD064}';
    IID_IActiveScriptParse:TGUID=          '{BB1A2AE2-A4F9-11cf-8F20-00805F2CD064}';
    IID_IActiveScriptParseProcedure:TGUID= '{1CFF0050-6FDD-11d0-9328-00A0C90DCAA9}';
    IID_IActiveScriptError:TGUID=          '{EAE1BA61-A4ED-11cf-8F20-00805F2CD064}';

     // Constants used by ActiveX Scripting:
     SCRIPTITEM_ISVISIBLE     = $00000002;
     SCRIPTITEM_ISSOURCE      = $00000004;
     SCRIPTITEM_CODEONLY      = $00000200;
     SCRIPTITEM_NOCODE        = $00000400;
                                 SCRIPTITEM_ISVISIBLE or
                                 SCRIPTITEM_ISPERSISTENT or
                                 SCRIPTITEM_GLOBALMEMBERS or
                                 SCRIPTITEM_NOCODE or

     // IActiveScript::AddTypeLib() input flags

     SCRIPTTYPELIB_ISCONTROL    = $00000010;

  // IActiveScriptParse::AddScriptlet() and IActiveScriptParse::ParseScriptText() input flags */

     SCRIPTTEXT_ISVISIBLE         = $00000002;
     SCRIPTTEXT_ISEXPRESSION      = $00000020;
     SCRIPTTEXT_ISPERSISTENT      = $00000040;
                                     SCRIPTTEXT_ISVISIBLE or
                                     SCRIPTTEXT_ISEXPRESSION or
                                     SCRIPTTEXT_HOSTMANAGESSOURCE or

  // IActiveScriptParseProcedure::ParseProcedureText() input flags

    SCRIPTPROC_IMPLICIT_THIS      = $00000100;
                                     SCRIPTPROC_IMPLICIT_THIS or

  // IActiveScriptSite::GetItemInfo() input flags */

     SCRIPTINFO_IUNKNOWN  = $00000001;
     SCRIPTINFO_ITYPEINFO = $00000002;

  // IActiveScript::Interrupt() Flags */

     SCRIPTINTERRUPT_DEBUG          = $00000001;


    //new IE4 types

    // script state values
    TScriptState = (

    // script thread state values */
    TScriptThreadState = (

    // Thread IDs */
    TScriptThreadID = DWORD;

  const  //Note: these SCRIPTTHREADID constants were originally macros
         //in the first version of this file.  See the note at the top
         //for more information. (Thanks to Gary Warren King.)
    SCRIPTTHREADID_CURRENT        = TScriptThreadId(-1);
    SCRIPTTHREADID_BASE           = TScriptThreadId(-2);
    SCRIPTTHREADID_ALL            = TScriptThreadId(-3);

    //Forward declarations
    IActiveScript = interface;
    IActiveScriptParse = interface;
    IActiveScriptParseProcedure = interface;
    IActiveScriptSite = interface;
    IActiveScriptSiteWindow = interface;
    IActiveScriptError = interface;

    IActiveScriptError = interface(IUnknown)

      // HRESULT GetExceptionInfo(
      //     [out] EXCEPINFO *pexcepinfo);
      function GetExceptionInfo(out ExcepInfo: TExcepInfo): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT GetSourcePosition(
      //     [out] DWORD *pdwSourceCOntext,
      //     [out] ULONG *pulLineNumber,
      //     [out] LONG *plCharacterPosition);
      function GetSourcePosition(out SourceContext: DWORD; out LineNumber: ULONG; out CharacterPosition: LONGINT): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT GetSourceLineText(
      //     [out] BSTR *pbstrSourceLine);
      function GetSourceLineText(out SourceLine: LPWSTR): HRESULT; stdcall;
    end; //IActiveScriptError interface

    IActiveScriptSite = Interface(IUnknown)
      // HRESULT GetLCID(
      //     [out] LCID *plcid);
      // Allows the host application to indicate the local ID for localization
      // of script/user interaction
      function GetLCID(out Lcid: TLCID): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT GetItemInfo(
      //     [in] LPCOLESTR pstrName,
      //     [in] DWORD dwReturnMask,
      //     [out] IUnknown **ppiunkItem,
      //     [out] ITypeInfo **ppti);
      // Called by the script engine to look up named items in host application.
      // Used to map unresolved variable names in scripts to automation interface
      // in host application.  The dwReturnMask parameter will indicate whether
      // the actual object (SCRIPTINFO_INKNOWN) or just a coclass type description
      // (SCRIPTINFO_ITYPEINFO)  is desired.
      function GetItemInfo(const pstrName: POleStr; dwReturnMask: DWORD; out ppiunkItem: IUnknown; out Info: ITypeInfo): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT GetDocVersionString(
      //     [out] BSTR *pbstrVersion);
      // Called by the script engine to get a text-based version number of the
      // current document.  This string can be used to validate that any cached
      // state that the script engine may have saved is consistent with the
      // current document.
      function GetDocVersionString(out Version: TBSTR): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT OnScriptTerminate(
      //     [in] const VARIANT *pvarResult,
      //     [in] const EXCEPINFO *pexcepinfo);
      // Called by the script engine when the script terminates.  In most cases
      // this method is not called, as it is possible that the parsed script may
      // be used to dispatch events from the host application
      function OnScriptTerminate(const pvarResult: OleVariant; const pexcepinfo: TExcepInfo): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT OnStateChange(
      //     [in] SCRIPTSTATE ssScriptState);
      // Called by the script engine when state changes either explicitly via
      // SetScriptState or implicitly via other script engine events.
      function OnStateChange(ScriptState: TScriptState): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT OnScriptError(
      //     [in] IActiveScriptError *pscripterror);
      // Called when script execution or parsing encounters an error.  The script
      // engine will provide an implementation of IActiveScriptError that
      // describes the runtime error in terms of an EXCEPINFO in addition to
      // indicating the location of the error in the original script text.
      function OnScriptError(const pscripterror: IActiveScriptError): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT OnEnterScript(void);
      // Called by the script engine to indicate the beginning of a unit of work.
      function OnEnterScript: HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT OnLeaveScript(void);
      // Called by the script engine to indicate the completion of a unit of work.
      function OnLeaveScript: HRESULT; stdcall;

    end; //IActiveScriptSite interface

    IActiveScriptSiteWindow = interface(IUnknown)
      // HRESULT GetWindow(
      //     [out] HWND *phwnd);
      function GetWindow(out Handle: HWND): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT EnableModeless(
      //     [in] BOOL fEnable);
      function EnableModeless(fEnable: BOOL): HRESULT; stdcall;
    end;  //IActiveScriptSiteWindow interface

    IActiveScript = interface(IUnknown)
      // HRESULT SetScriptSite(
      //     [in] IActiveScriptSite *pass);
      // Conects the host's application site object to the engine
      function SetScriptSite(ActiveScriptSite: IActiveScriptSite): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT GetScriptSite(
      //     [in] REFIID riid,
      //     [iid_is][out] void **ppvObject);
      // Queries the engine for the connected site
      function GetScriptSite(riid: TGUID; out OleObject: Pointer): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT SetScriptState(
      //     [in] SCRIPTSTATE ss);
      // Causes the engine to enter the designate state
      function SetScriptState(State: TScriptState): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT GetScriptState(
      //     [out] SCRIPTSTATE *pssState);
      // Queries the engine for its current state
      function GetScriptState(out State: TScriptState): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT Close(void);
      // Forces the engine to enter the closed state, resetting any parsed scripts
      // and disconnecting/releasing all of the host's objects.
      function Close: HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT AddNamedItem(
      //     [in] LPCOLESTR pstrName,
      //     [in] DWORD dwFlags);
      // Adds a variable name to the namespace of the script engine. The engine
      // will call the site's GetItemInfo to resolve the name to an object.
      function AddNamedItem(Name: POleStr; Flags: DWORD): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT AddTypeLib(
      //     [in] REFGUID rguidTypeLib,
      //     [in] DWORD dwMajor,
      //     [in] DWORD dwMinor,
      //     [in] DWORD dwFlags);
      // Adds the type and constant defintions contained in the designated type
      // library to the namespace of the scripting engine.
      function AddTypeLib(TypeLib: TGUID; Major: DWORD; Minor: DWORD; Flags: DWORD): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT GetScriptDispatch(
      //     [in] LPCOLESTR pstrItemName,
      //     [out] IDispatch **ppdisp);
      // Gets the IDispatch pointer to the scripting engine.
      function GetScriptDispatch(ItemName: POleStr; out Disp: IDispatch): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT GetCurrentScriptThreadID(
      //     [out] SCRIPTTHREADID *pstidThread);
      // Gets the script's logical thread ID that corresponds to the current
      // physical thread.  This allows script engines to execute script code on
      // arbitrary threads that may be distinct from the site's thread.
      function GetCurrentScriptThreadID(out Thread: TScriptThreadID): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT GetScriptThreadID(
      //     [in] DWORD dwWin32ThreadID,
      //     [out] SCRIPTTHREADID *pstidThread);
      // Gets the logical thread ID that corresponds to the specified physical
      // thread.  This allows script engines to execute script code on arbitrary
      // threads that may be distinct from the sites thread.
      function GetScriptThreadID(Win32ThreadID: DWORD; out Thread: TScriptThreadID): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT GetScriptThreadState(
      //     [in] SCRIPTTHREADID stidThread,
      //     [out] SCRIPTTHREADSTATE *pstsState);
      // Gets the logical thread ID running state, which is either
      function GetScriptThreadState(Thread: TScriptThreadID; out State: TScriptThreadState): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT InterruptScriptThread(
      //     [in] SCRIPTTHREADID stidThread,
      //     [in] const EXCEPINFO *pexcepInfo,
      //     [in] DWORD dwFlags);
      // Similar to Terminatethread, this method stope the execution of a script thread.
      function InterruptScriptThread(Thread: TScriptThreadID; const ExcepInfo: TExcepInfo; Flags: DWORD): HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT Clone(
      //     [out] IActiveScript **ppscript);
      // Duplicates the current script engine, replicating any parsed script text
      // and named items, but no the actual pointers to the site's objects.
      function Clone(out ActiveScript: IActiveScript): HRESULT; stdcall;
    end;  //IActiveScript interface

    IActiveScriptParse = interface(IUnknown)

      // HRESULT InitNew(void);
      function InitNew: HRESULT; stdcall;

      // HRESULT AddScriptlet(
      //     [in] LPCOLESTR pstrDefaultName,
      //     [in] LPCOLESTR pstrCode,
      //     [in] LPCOLESTR pstrItemName,
      //     [in] LPCOLESTR pstrSubItemName,
      //     [in] LPCOLESTR pstrEventName,
      //     [in] LPCOLESTR pstrDelimiter,
      //     [in] DWORD dwSourceContextCookie,
      //     [in] ULONG ulStartingLineNumber,
      //     [in] DWORD dwFlags,
      //     [out] BSTR *pbstrName,
      //     [out] EXCEPINFO *pexcepinfo);
      function AddScriptlet(
            DefaultName: POleStr;
            Code: POleStr;
            ItemName: POleStr;
            SubItemName: POleStr;
            EventName: POleStr;
            Delimiter: POleStr;
            SourceContextCookie: DWORD;
            StartingLineNnumber: ULONG;
            Flags: DWORD;
        out Name: TBSTR;
        out ExcepInfo: TExcepInfo
      ): HRESULT; stdcall;

      //     [in] LPCOLESTR pstrCode,
      //     [in] LPCOLESTR pstrItemName,
      //     [in] IUnknown  *punkContext,
      //     [in] LPCOLESTR pstrDelimiter,
      //     [in] DWORD dwSourceContextCookie,
      //     [in] ULONG ulStartingLineNumber,
      //     [in] DWORD dwFlags,
      //     [out] VARIANT *pvarResult,
      //     [out] EXCEPINFO *pexcepinfo);
      function ParseScriptText(
        const pstrCode: POLESTR;
        const pstrItemName: POLESTR;
        const punkContext: IUnknown;
        const pstrDelimiter: POLESTR;
              dwSourceContextCookie: DWORD;
              ulStartingLineNumber: ULONG;
              dwFlags: DWORD;
        out   pvarResult: OleVariant;
        out   pExcepInfo: TExcepInfo
      ): HRESULT; stdcall;

  end;  //IActivScriptParse interface


    function ParseProcedureText(
       const pstrCode: POLESTR;
       const pstrFormalParams: POLESTR;
       const pstrItemName: POLESTR;
             punkContext: IUnknown;
       const pstrDelimiter: POLESTR;
             dwSourceContextCookie: DWord;
             ulStartingLineNumber: ULong;
             dwFlags: DWord;
       out   ppdisp: IDispatch
    ): HResult; stdcall;

  end;  //IActivScriptParseProcedure interface





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