
2016-02-19 16:22 8 1 收藏


【 - 编程语言 】


Executive Summary

•          Namespaces do not affect Delphi for Win32.

•          Namespaces are produced based on the unit name as follows:

•          If a unit name is dotted then the unit name up to the last dot is used.

•          If it is not dotted then the default namespace is used.


•          If there is no default namespace then the unit name is used.

•          Code converted from Delphi 8 may require some modifications.

•          Always use Packages not Libraries to create shareable assemblies.

•          Delphi will always refer to types by their full unit name.

•          Other languages will need to refer to types using their namespace.

•          ASP.NET declarations, configuration files and .NET reflection always refer to types by their namespace.

•          If multiple units emit a public type with the same name into the same namespace, the assembly may be unusable

1)     Always Use Packages

Borland has always recommended not using library projects to create assemblies. In Delphi 2005, the compiler is stricter and will no longer allow you to compile an application referencing a Delphi ‘library’.
  Always use a package project to create .NET assemblies.

However, as with anything, there are exceptions to the rule and there are several situations where you need to use the namespace even though you are coding in Delphi.



One example is when you are using tags in ASPX, ASCX or ASMX files. If you create a web page called TWebForm in the file Application.­Pages.­WebForm1.­­pas then the page tag would be:


%@Page Language="c#" Codebehind="WebForm1.pas" Inherits="Application.Pages.TWebForm1"%



Another is when passing type information to .NET in the form of strings, especially when using reflection based APIs and configuration files:


var c:TypeConverter;




This slight difference commonly trips people up and is something you need to be careful of, especially when porting code from Delphi 8 or converting code from other languages.
  这就解释了我原来的疑问,在D2005中,新建一个.Net Dll,编译,在别的编译器中(C#),可以使用,但是在Delphi中自己却不能用,虽然用薄可以解决问题,但是包中添加资源很不方便,真是不知道Borland是怎么想的。


1.简介 EXCEPT和INTERSECT运算符使您可以比较两个或多个SELECT语句的结果并返回非重复值。 2.区别 EXCEPT运算符返回由EXCEPT运算符左侧的查询返回、而又不包含在右侧查询所返回的值中的所有非重复值。 INTERSECT返回由INTERSECT运算符左侧和右侧的查询都返回的所有非重复值。 3.注意事项 (1).使用EXCEPT或INTERSECT比较的结果集必须...
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曾经听说过“bpl就是一种特殊的dll”,但是没有想到这句话具有这么大的意义。最近看到有人在属于某个dpk的Unit里面写export语句,觉得非常惊奇。但是遍查delphi的help,与export相关的都是library。今天看了《delphi源代码分析》,才知道上面这句话的含义。因此有下面的推论: 对dll工程来说,exports既可以写在工程文件里面,也可以...
约定 //一个典型的用C#写就的HelloWorld程序 using System; class HelloWorld { public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Hello World !"); } } 我忘记自己第一次用C#向世界问好是在什么时候了,不过可以肯定我已经打过招呼了,那时候用的是beta1版。现在你可以到
一、概述 Borland 希望Delphi 2005 能成为Windows平台上的最终的完整解决方案,为此 Delphi 2005 集成了 Delphi, C#, Microsoft .NET Framework and Win32 ,支持图形用户接口(GUI), Web开发, 数据库、富客户端应用程序(rich-client applications)等多方面的开发, 集成软件生命周期管理(ALM)功能及快速开发(即RAD)的能力。在Del...




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