【 tulaoshi.com - 编程语言 】
'2004/07/27 朱彦志(goodidea) myad@yeah.net
'你是否非常讨厌 用 & 一大串的连接变量?
'你是否不得不经常使用""与"""" ?
'strFilter = strFilter & " and [" & strFldname & "] like """ & strValue & """"
'strSql ="insert into tblpubStyle (Class,Prop,Value,Type,[Set],memo,flag) values ('" & _
' ctl.ControlType & "','" & _
' prp.Name & "','" & _
' prp.Value & "','" & _
' prp.Type & "', " & _
' 2 & "," & _
' "' ', " & _
' false ")"
'strCnn = "Provider=sqloledb;" & _
' "Data Source=" & strServerName & ";" & _
' "Initial Catalog=" & strDbname & ";" & _
' "User Id=" & strUid & ";" & _
' "Password=" & strPwd & ";"
'strFilter = gCombinationString( "$1 and [$2] like ""$3""",strFilter,strFldname,strValue)
'strCnn= gCombinationString("Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=$1;Initial Catalog=$2;User Id=$3;Password=$4;",_
' strServerName ,strDbname ,strUid, strPwd)
' strSql = gCombinationString("insert into tblpubStyle (Class,Prop,Value,Type,[Set],memo,flag) " & _
' " values ('$1','$2','$3','$4',$5,$6)", _
' ctl.ControlType, prp.Name, prp.Value, prp.Type, 2, False)
Const strCharPre = "$"
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
For Each varItem In Para
i = i + 1
strText = VBA.Replace(strText, strCharPre & i, varItem)
strText = VBA.Replace(strText, strCharPre & "", strCharPre)
gCombinationString = strText
End Function
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