Dreamweaver 8 无法启动的解决方案

2016-02-19 18:41 86 1 收藏

下面图老师小编要跟大家分享Dreamweaver 8 无法启动的解决方案,简单的过程中其实暗藏玄机,还是要细心学习,喜欢还请记得收藏哦!

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Dreamweaver8 启动出现错误,点击后一直无法进入程序。 即使删除了注册表键值,优化了系统,反反复复删装了两三遍程序也不见效~~~



重命名或删除用户配置文件夹即可。 以WinXp为例,该文件夹的路径为:C:Documents and Settings系统用户名Application DataMacromediaDreamweaver 8Configuration



Dreamweaver 8 does not launch
Some users are reporting that Dreamweaver 8 does not launch. The common characteristic is that the splash screen appears momentarily, then the application closes. Some users report being able to launch Dreamweaver 8 two or three times before experiencing the problem, while some users were never able to launch Dreamweaver 8. (Ref. 201530)

Here are some steps that should resolve the problem. Try the steps in descending order. Close Dreamweaver before performing each suggestion, and launch it again after performing each suggestion, to see if the problem is solved.

The Dreamweaver 8.0.1 Updater resolved this issue for most users. Install the Dreamweaver 8.0.2 Updater as it includes all of the fixes in the 8.0.1 update, plus additional recommended fixes. Try renaming the Dreamweaver user configuration folder, so that Dreamweaver will automatically generate a new user configuration folder the next time Dreamweaver launches. The Configuration folder is located here:

C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataMacromediaDreamweaver 8Configuration Recreate your Dreamweaver user settings in the registry as follows: Launch the Registry Editor by clicking the Start button, choose Run, then type " regedit ". In the Registry Editor, navigate to this folder: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMacromediaDreamweaver 8 Rename the "Dreamweaver 8" key to "DreamweaverOLD", so that Dreamweaver will automatically generate a new user settings key the next time you launch it. Warning: Editing the Windows Registry incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require reinstalling your operating system. Adobe does not guarantee that problems caused by editing the registry incorrectly can be resolved. Edit the registry at your own risk. Recreate your Dreamweaver site definitions in the registry as follows. The steps below will delete your site definitions in Dreamweaver. Launch the Registry Editor by clicking the Start button, choose Run, then type " regedit ". In the Registry Editor, navigate to this folder: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMacromediaCommon8Sites Rename the "Sites" key to "SitesOLD", so that Dreamweaver will automatically generate a new Sites key the next time you launch it. Warning: Editing the Windows Registry incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require reinstalling your operating system. Adobe does not guarantee that problems caused by editing the registry incorrectly can be resolved. Edit the registry at your own risk. Macintosh The Dreamweaver 8.0.1 Updater resolved this issue for most users. Install the Dreamweaver 8.0.2 Updater as it includes all of the fixes in the 8.0.1 update, plus additional recommended fixes. Drag the Dreamweaver Configuration folder to the desktop, so that Dreamweaver will automatically generate a new Configuration folder the next time Dreamweaver launches. The Configuration folder is located here: Mac HD/Users//Library/Application Support/Macromedia/Dreamweaver 8/Configuration Drag the Dreamweaver 8 Prefs file to the desktop, so that Dreamweaver will automatically generate a new prefs file the next time Dreamweaver launches. The prefs file is located here: Mac HD/Users//Library/Preferences/Dreamweaver 8 Prefs Drag the Dreamweaver 8 Site Prefs file to the desktop, so that Dreamweaver will automatically generate a new Site Prefs file the next time Dreamweaver launches. This will delete your site definitions in Dreamweaver. The Site Prefs file is located here: Mac HD/Users//Library/Application Support/Macromedia/Common/8/Sites/Site Prefs


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