
2016-02-19 20:01 27 1 收藏


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%@ Language=VBScript %
% Option Explicit %
!--#INCLUDE FILE="clsXML.asp"--
Dim objXML, strPath, str
Set objXML = New clsXML

strPath = Server.MapPath(".") & "New.xml"

objXML.createFile strPath, "Root"
'Or If using an existing XML file:
'objXML.File = "C:File.xml"

objXML.createRootChild "Images"

'Here only one attribute is added to the Images/Image Node
objXML.createChildNodeWAttr "Images", "Image", "id", "1"
objXML.updateField "Images//Image[@id=1]", "super.gif"
objXML.createRootNodeWAttr "Jobs", Array("Size", "Length", "Width"), _
Array(24, 31, 30)
objXML.createRootNodeWAttr "Jobs", Array("Size", "Length", "Width"), _
Array(24, 30, 29)
objXML.createRootNodeWAttr "Jobs", Array("Size", "Length", "Width"), _
Array(24, 31, 85)

'Notice that all three job nodes have size 24, all of those
'nodes will be updated
objXML.updateField "Jobs[@Size=24]", "24's"

'Notice that only two nodes have the specified XPath, hence
'only two new child nodes will be added
objXML.createChildNodeWAttr "Jobs[@Size=24 and @Length=31]", "Specs", _
Array("Wood", "Metal", "Color"), _
Array("Cedar", "Aluminum", "Green")


'It is always important to iterate through all of the nodes
'returned by this XPath query.
For Each str In objXML.getField("Jobs[@Size=24]")
Response.Write(str & "br")
Set objXML = Nothing

Response.Redirect "New.xml"


Class clsXML
'strFile must be full path to document, ie C:XMLXMLFile.XML
'objDoc is the XML Object
Private strFile, objDoc

' Initialization/Termination

'Initialize Class Members
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
strFile = ""
End Sub

'Terminate and unload all created objects
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set objDoc = Nothing
End Sub

' Properties

'Set XML File and objDoc
Public Property Let File(str)
Set objDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objDoc.async = False
strFile = str
objDoc.Load strFile
End Property

'Get XML File
Public Property Get File()
File = strFile
End Property

' Functions


'Create Blank XML File, set current obj File to newly created file
Public Function createFile(strPath, strRoot)
Dim objFSO, objTextFile
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strPath, True)
objTextFile.WriteLine("?xml version=""1.0""?")
objTextFile.WriteLine("" & strRoot & "/")
Me.File = strPath
Set objTextFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function

'Get XML Field(s) based on XPath input from root node
Public Function getField(strXPath)
Dim objNodeList, arrResponse(), i
Set objNodeList = objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
ReDim arrResponse(objNodeList.length)
For i = 0 To objNodeList.length - 1
arrResponse(i) = objNodeList.item(i).Text
getField = arrResponse
End Function

'Update existing node(s) based on XPath specs
Public Function updateField(strXPath, strData)
Dim objField
For Each objField In objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
objField.Text = strData
objDoc.Save strFile
Set objField = Nothing
updateField = True
End Function


标签: Web开发
正如你所了解的,XML是个功能强大的新型数据结构,它可以让你把网页的内容和表现形式分开。尽管如此,目前,我们的文章大多仅介绍了直接生成XML标记得的法。我们在大多数时候,都是手工编写必需的标记和数据的。      幸运的是,微软提供了XML DOM(XML文档对象模型),这是另外一种编写XML代码的方法。该对象库可以让你构...
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