
2016-02-19 20:50 9 1 收藏


【 tulaoshi.com - 编程语言 】

/*******************************************************************本文首发于bbs.bluegem.org的CWorld区*本人email:chenfei@sohu.com*如转载本文,请保留首发地和本人联络方式,以方便交流, !-- frame contents -- !-- /frame contents -- 谢谢!******************************************************************/     有时程序需要存储很大量的数据,或者在几个进程间交换数据,这时您可能考虑到使用临时文件。使用临时文件要考虑几个问题:
      mkstemp函数将在系统中以独一无二的文件名创建一个文件并打开,而且只有当前用户才有访问这个临时文件的权限,当前用户对这个临时文件可以打开并进行读、写操作。mkstemp函数只有一个参数,这个参数是个以“XXXXXX”结尾的非空字符串。mkstemp函数会用随机产生的字符串替换“XXXXXX”,保证了文件名的唯一性。函数返回一个文件描述符,假如执行失败返回-1。在glibc 2.0.6 以及更早的glibc库中这个文件的访问权限是0666 ,glibc 2.0.7 以后的库这个文件的访问权限是0600。
  直接使用advanced linux programming的例程,只把注释翻译一下#include stdlib.h
  #include unistd.h
  /* A handle for a temporary file created with write_temp_file. In
  this implementation, it’s just a file descriptor. */
  typedef int temp_file_handle;
  /* Writes LENGTH bytes from BUFFER into a temporary file. The
  temporary file is immediately unlinked. Returns a handle to the
  temporary file. */
  temp_file_handle write_temp_file (char* buffer, size_t length)
  /* Create the filename and file. The XXXXXX will be replaced with
   characters that make the filename unique. */
   char temp_filename[] = “/tmp/temp_file.XXXXXX”;
   int fd = mkstemp (temp_filename);
   /* Unlink the file immediately, so that it will be removed when the
   file descriptor is closed. */
   unlink (temp_filename);
   /* Write the number of bytes to the file first. */
   write (fd, &length, sizeof (length));
   /* Now write the data itself. */
   write (fd, buffer, length);
   /* Use the file descriptor as the handle for the temporary file. */
   return fd;
  /* Reads the contents of a temporary file TEMP_FILE created with
  write_temp_file. The return value is a newly allocated buffer of
  those contents, which the caller must deallocate with free.
  *LENGTH is set to the size of the contents, in bytes. The
  temporary file is removed. */
  char* read_temp_file (temp_file_handle temp_file, size_t* length)
   char* buffer;
   /* The TEMP_FILE handle is a file descriptor to the temporary file. */
   int fd = temp_file;
   /* Rewind to the beginning of the file. */
   lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
   /* Read the size of the data in the temporary file. */
   read (fd, length, sizeof (*length));
   /* Allocate a buffer and read the data. */
   buffer = (char*) malloc (*length);
   read (fd, buffer, *length);
   /* Close the file descriptor, which will cause the temporary file to
   go away. */
   close (fd);
   return buffer;
      假如您使用C library I/O函数,并且并没有另一个程序使用这个临时文件(笔者注:按我的理解是在同一进程或具有父子关系的进程组中),有个更简洁的函数——tmpfile。tmpfile函数创建并打开一个临时文件,并且自动执行了unlink了这个临时文件。tmpfile函数返回一个文件描述符,假如执行失败返回NULL。当程序执行了fclose或者退出时,资源被释放。
      linux系统中还提供mktemp、 tmpnam、 和tempnam等函数,但是由于健壮性和安全方面理由不建议使用他们。 更多内容请看C/C++进阶技术文档  C++编程  Linux文件相关文章专题,或


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