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50例强大璀璨的CSS3/JS 技术运用。CSS3来了。虽然支持的浏览器很有限,但许多设计师都在实验它的强大功能。本文可以让你了解css3的新技术和功能。Visual Effects and Layout Techniques With CSS3

Analogue clock created using webkit transition and transform CSS. JavaScript is only used to pull in the current time.

Css-132 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques

We will create a dynamic stack of index cards solely with HTML and CSS3 and use such CSS3 features as transform and transition (for the dynamic effects) and @font-face, box-shadow and border-radius (for the styling).

Css3-new-03 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques

When the light is turned on, the position and opacity of the Logo shadow will change dynamically, depending on the position and distance of the light bulb. Don’t forget to drag the Logo and/or the light bulb around!

Css3-new-00 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques

So, what about a vertical sliding panel that would act as some sort of drawer instead of the usual top horizontal sliding panel that pushes everything else down when it opens? While thinking of alternatives to the usual horizontal panels, I thought it would be nice to create something that works in a similar way, but that is a bit more flexible.

Css3-last-08 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques

The trick with these overlays is the gradient border, going form a lighter to darker orange as you go from top to bottom. To create that effect we used to the border-image property, which is a tricky little addition to CSS.

Css3-last-11 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques


What if we could replace almost all of the graphical UI elements within Fennec with CSS created equivalents? As a designer, am I comfortable bypassing Photoshop and letting CSS run the pixel rodeo? After a few initial tests, the answer to both of those questions was a very solid yes. A solid friggin’ right if in Cape Breton.


Css-144 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques

We will use box-shadow to create a drop-shadow with RGBa, a color model that allows an optimized contrast with any kind of backgrounds. RGBa is the standard RGB model (0,0,0 – 255,255,255) and it adds the last option (a) for the opacity. We can use this model also for other properties and it works with the new browser.

Css-197 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques

This custom dialog box is one of the scripts in that website and I think it will be quite useful for all of us. The reason I have this custom dialog box is to overcome the inconsistencies across different browsers. And, of course, it uses CSS3 to style everything.

Css3-last-00 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques

For those using WebKit based browsers (Safari and Chrome), CSS3 effects and properties can help you create fast, simple modals by using transforms, animation, and some subtle design cues.

Css3-last-13 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques

The faux-newspaper look goes in and out of style online pretty frequently, but these tricks can be used for quite a few cool applications. What we’ll talk about here is using -webkit-mask-image and -webkit-column-count.

Css3-last-14 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques


标签: Web开发
CSS3动画尽管目前只有webkit内核的一些浏览器才支持,但是作为一个前端从业者,应该有长远的目光,尽早的去熟悉,今天就用CSS3做了一个照片长廊的应用,效果图: Demo地址: 请使用safari或者chrome猛击 制作步骤如下: 1.首先我们铺设一个渐变的背景色: DaimaRen.cn © 2009-2010 by Tomie Zhang background: -webkit-gradient(...
标签: Web开发
今天看到 Joshua Johnson 的一篇 10 Amazing Examples of Innovative CSS3 Animation 很是精彩,大概翻译如下: CSS3带来了很多令人印象深刻的新功能,最有意思的或许是很多基于javascript来实现的功能,现在可以用CSS动画来制作。以下是我找到的用CSS3创建的精彩案例: 注意:以下演示代码在IE6等低端浏览器下无效,请下载并安装现代浏览器...
标签: Web开发
    现在使用CSS3 技术不需要图片即可实现圆角,把侧边栏标题背景的圆角效果和搜索框的圆角效果用 CSS3 实现。记录一下以便以后使用。W3C 很早就制订了实现了 CSS 圆角的 CSS3 属性:border-radius,Firefox 和 Safari 也通过私有属性实现了该功能:     效果如下:     其中 -moz-bor...
标签: Web开发
CSS3透明不透明渐变随便你怎么叫它吧!这里是一些使用CSS3透明度的指南以及一些例子。 其实这个firefox很久以前就支持了,而IE一直不支持! 上一篇文章:CSS3教程(7):CSS3嵌入字体 opacity声明用来设置一个元素的透明度:层、文字、图片等一个opacity的值为1的元素是完全不透明的,反之,值为0是完全透明的,看不见的。1到0之间的任何值...
Responsive设计在现代Web设计中可谓是越来越流行,但很同学们并未理解其真正的设计概念,往往把Responsive视为一种自适应布局。当然有很多同学也在尝试动写Responsive的案例,但如何取其断点左右纠结,如何设置哪几个断点?又从何入手? Responsive中的断点都依赖于CSS3的Media Queries来决断。曾在CSS3 Media Queries模板、使用em单位创建CSS...




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