每个人都希望每天都是开心的,不要因为一些琐事扰乱了心情还,闲暇的时间怎么打发,关注图老师可以让你学习更多的好东西,下面为大家推荐All the city is a full of lonely cage 城市是一座装满孤独的牢笼,赶紧看过来吧!
【 tulaoshi.com - QQ专区 】
Is there a way never, never, ever change
I wish nothing but the best for you,too.
(I was too strong, or you can not be me sad.)是我太坚强,还是你不容我悲伤。
That for me it isn't over, 对于我,这一切从未结束
Don't forget me,I beg.
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://www.tulaoshi.com)Chaos in the mind is not trapped in situation 不乱于心 不困于情
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://www.tulaoshi.com)All the city is a full of lonely cage (城市是一座装满孤独的牢笼)
I'm gonna make it happen. 我定会让一切成真。
Sometimes our hearts just need time to accept what our heads already know.
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