You And I Were Meant To Be 你和我早已命中注定

2016-02-20 04:15 7 1 收藏

想不想get新技能酷炫一下,今天图老师小编就跟大家分享个简单的You And I Were Meant To Be 你和我早已命中注定教程,一起来看看吧!超容易上手~

【 - QQ专区 】

I believe happy grils are the prettiest grils.

I need him like I need the air to breathe.

in the name of love 以爱之名


I could only breathe in your smile。

yuo ai my one and only

give me your everything

No one takes you as the world丶


You And I Were Meant To Be.(你和我早已命中注定)

You're throwing away happiness with both hands.


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