下面图老师小编要跟大家分享Hark back to the past is torture[往事重提是折磨],简单的过程中其实暗藏玄机,还是要细心学习,喜欢还请记得收藏哦!
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Hark back to the past is torture[往事重提是折磨]
i love you more each day, as time goes. 随着时间的流失我一天
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://www.tulaoshi.com)I don't care if you don't care about me."
Under the skirt of the minister[裙下之臣]
Prison birds do not know the sea[囚鸟不知海]
Delay is the deadliest form of denial.(拖延是最彻底的拒绝)
I am me, a happy crazy, is not happy to keep quiet
Love you more than myself爱你胜过爱自己
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://www.tulaoshi.com)do whatever you want [爱咋咋地] whatever [管他呢]
I am not lazy,i just really enjoy doing noting.
世界上最动人的话不是IoveYou,而是I have always been with YOU,
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