Memories can not feed my

2016-02-20 05:17 5 1 收藏

给自己一点时间接受自己,爱自己,趁着下午茶的时间来学习图老师推荐的Memories can not feed my,过去的都会过去,迎接崭新的开始,释放更美好的自己。

【 - QQ专区 】

Because the things you're scared of are usually the most worthwhile.

I'm sorry sorry but i love 都是谎言

I love baby i'm not a monster


Would not expect anything else ... Is hope you can be happy

Goodbye, my love. One day, I would like spring flowers, slowly wither.

- Memories can not feed my #

Don't forget me



标签: 电脑入门
- My dad,My hero Someone loves everything you hate about yourself. In a world of survival of the fittest//* I don't want to see you again,goodbye my world. I will start fresh. Your name,my heart. You're unique and one of a kind . I love you, always have always will .
PowerBook G3 Fluxbox+idesk下面是xfce4
标签: 电脑入门
You want my love. You want my heart. ---------------------------------
标签: 电脑入门
┏ ┓ Hong long Hong long ┗ ┛ I can go to the end; of the world ✟。 ---------------------------------
标签: 电脑入门
because i am your lady and you are my men.