I would cry But I will not lose

2016-02-20 06:18 2 1 收藏

get新技能是需要付出行动的,即使看得再多也还是要动手试一试。今天图老师小编跟大家分享的是I would cry But I will not lose,一起来学习了解下吧!

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つEverlasting, is just a fairy taleあっ


I love you,but i miss you.

Each time you look at me when I pretend to look away, and you looked away when I was looki

I'm doing okay.not great.not amazing.not horrible. just okay.And that is okay.

Please don't judge me from my past. I am not the one I used to be

I would cry- But I will not lose

______Happiness is simple: just I love you°


◆◇、If the world betrayed you,I will standing behind you,betraying the word


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