
2016-02-20 11:24 3 1 收藏


【 tulaoshi.com - 平面设计 】

College Park Church

College Park Church


The Crossings

The Crossings


Cornerstone Fellowship Church


Cornerstone Fellowship Church


Fourth Avenue Church of Christ

Fourth Avenue Church of Christ


Valley Creek Church

Valley Creek Church

Bethel Independent Presbyterian Church


Bethel Independent Pres. Church


Victory Pointe Ministries

Victory Point Ministries


Woodlands Church

Woodlands Church


Houston’s First Baptist Church

Houston's First Baptist Church


Calvary Christian Center

Calvary Christian Center


随着CSS3和HTML5技术的成熟,许多惊艳的效果都能应用在网站设计中了,比如视差滚动。利用这个技术,加上无限的创意,能创造出令人激动的网站效果,比如今天收集的这一组。 Mindworks Herbal Bises Marco Grill Moroccan Gigolos Codetex Group MiBOX Studio None Big Bad Wolf Lexus New Generation IS L...
扁平化+响应式+HTML5&CSS3结合的网页设计将会越来越流行,而我们要学习的技术也越来越多,真是压力山大啊。好吧,看看今天分享的扁平化设计作品,在这些网站中,有些网站使用了插画元素,而且这些插画都是扁平化风格,相当不简单哦,其次有的使用类似Metro的方格式布局,总之这些扁平化网页作品的排版设计非常丰富,值得参考学习。 La Tab...
求职的时候,童鞋们除了制作简历,也可以给自己打造一个展示作品集的个人网站,如果你的网站足够令人惊艳,让好工作来找你就不是难事咯。今天我们收集了35个顶尖的作品集展示网站,希望能激发你的灵感,找到称心的工作。 01. Robby Leonardi Robby Leonardi 以他的有趣的互动式作品集成为一颗新星。 Robby Leonardi 是一个纽约设计师的网...
A few months ago I published a collection of incredibly artistic websites that featured illustrations, creative headers, and detailed backgrounds. Since then I’ve been bookmarking a number of sites for the same reasons, so I decided to post a follow up for your design inspiration. Basmati Tree   The E...




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