
2016-02-20 11:24 1 1 收藏


【 tulaoshi.com - 平面设计 】

 As far as web design is concerned, churches have come a long way in recent years. It wasn’t too many years ago that most church websites were several years behind the times. Apparently a growing number of churches today are recognizing the importance of their web presence.

This gallery isn’t only for those who design church sites; these examples are excellent sources of inspiration for any design project. Many of them involve excellent use of color, images, and graphics that draw attention right away. In addition, most church sites have a lot of content that needs to be displayed and easily navigated. The layouts and methods used here can be applied to other projects with similar requirements.


Stonebriar Community Church

Stonebriar Community Church


Kingsfield Church

Kingsfield Church


The City Church

The City Church


New Song Church

(Note: their website has changed since this was originally posted.)

New Song Church


Missionary Baptist Church

(Note: this website is no longer active.)

Missionary Baptist Church

Hope Christian City Church

Hope Christian City Church



Island Evangelical Community Church

Island Evangelical Community Church


Lake Ridge Church

(Note: this website is no longer available.)

Lake Ridge Church


Bethel Temple

Bethel Temple


Southridge Community Church

Southridge Community Church



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很多设计师都喜欢作为自由设计师单独工作,其中有一些非常不错的作品,很值得学习一番。本文介绍了50个独立设计师的创意作品集网站。 大部分机构的网站基本都是Logo-宣传语-产品展示-联系信息的模式,但是很惊讶的,我们发现这种常规模式对于独立设计师的作品集网站也同样适用。很多作品集网站主要想通过优秀的作品吸引用户的注意,设计师想通...
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小型电子商务网站能享受这样的奢侈:不用像很多大型连锁商店那样必须使用预先规定的设计样式,他们不需要内容繁多的登录页面,也不需要有着成百上千条分类的大型菜单栏,甚至不需要一个建议性或可选择的产品链接。 所有小型商店的好商品需要的是一位很棒的设计师来为它们建立一个简洁且现代感十足的网站。当然,一枚立即购买的按钮会很有用。 ...
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