【 tulaoshi.com - 平面设计 】
There are lots of styles and techniques to make a beautiful web design and making illustrated layouts is one of them. Adding illustrations to a web design is very easy way to give your site a uniqueness and take it to a whole new level. Such layout are getting very popular now a days that’s why i have compiled 42 creative and excellent examples of illustrations in web design.
1. Burza
2. Phizz
3. Football Made in Africa
4. Nasi Briyani Lounge
5. Extre
11. Francesco Mugnai
12. Old Loft
13. My Snow Buddy
14. Hambo Development
15. Octonauts
21. Esurance
22. Luova
23. K4 Lab
24. Cream Scoop
25. 429jp
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