
2016-02-20 11:58 63 1 收藏


【 tulaoshi.com - 平面设计 】

There are lots of styles and techniques to make a beautiful web design and making illustrated layouts is one of them. Adding illustrations to a web design is very easy way to give your site a uniqueness and take it to a whole new level. Such layout are getting very popular now a days that’s why i have compiled 42 creative and excellent examples of illustrations in web design.


1. Burza

Burza - Illustration Example In Web Design


2. Phizz

Phizz - Illustration Example In Web Design


3. Football Made in Africa

FMIA - Illustration Example In Web Design


4. Nasi Briyani Lounge


Nasi Briyani Lounge - Illustration Example In Web Design


5. Extre

Extre - Illustration Example In Web Design

11. Francesco Mugnai

Francesco Mugnai - Illustration Example In Web Design


12. Old Loft

Old Loft - Illustration Example In Web Design


13. My Snow Buddy

My Snow Buddy - Illustration Example In Web Design



14. Hambo Development

Hambo Development - Illustration Example In Web Design


15. Octonauts

Octonauts - Illustration Example In Web Design

21. Esurance

Esurance - Illustration Example In Web Design


22. Luova

Luova - Illustration Example In Web Design


23. K4 Lab

K4lab - Illustration Example In Web Design


24. Cream Scoop

Cream Scoop - Illustration Example In Web Design


25. 429jp

429jp - Illustration Example In Web Design


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网页的设计趋势更新换代,但是使用插图始终是给页面一个独特外观和风格的好方法。今天我们有一些非常好看的页面,使用插图来抓住用户的注意力和添加页面的个性。有很多不同的使用插图的方法,我们相信你可以从这些例子中得到灵感并且应用在自己设计中。 theteafactory 一个茶叶厂的官网,页面运用大量的矢量图像与产品照片配合,使得页面看...




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