
2016-02-20 11:58 8 1 收藏


【 tulaoshi.com - 平面设计 】

It seems that everyone has a different opinion of what qualifies as a minimalistic design. Here are 25 websites that make use of very little unnecessary design elements but still manage to pull off a beautiful appearance. When it comes to design, if you feel that less is more, I’m sure you will find inspiration from these sites.


Rainfall Daffinson
A design firm whose website uses a minimalistic approach to show its work.


Rainfall Daffinson


John Merrells
The blog of entrepreneur John Merrells uses a simple layout with a distinct header image.

John Merrells


SEO Design Studio
A UK SEO Design company that makes a nice use of a few colors.

SEO Design Studio


Ben Hulse Design
The portfolio of a designer and photographer.

Ben Hulse Design


Amy Levy Public Relations
Los Angeles based PR consultant with a very simple and attractive layout.

Amy Levy PR

The portfolio of a freelance web designer.



Rikcat Industries
A portfolio that uses a black and white look.

Rikcat Industries



The Morning News
A different kind of news site that doesn’t include a lot of the extra design elements found on most news sites.

The Morning News


Cracked Shell
A California-based designer with a very nice portfolio site.

Crakced Shell


The home of leading blogging and CMS provider.


Mark Boulton Design
A small design studio that focuses on simple designs.

Mark Boulton Design


The New York Chapter of a professional association for design.



Jonno Riekwel
The minimalistic portfolio of designer Jonno Riekwel.

Jonno Riekwel


None-Design Media
A portfolio site that uses a black background.



Wan Zafran
A personal site that uses minimal amounts of color.

Wan Zafran




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