有了下面这个Hold your hand, and grow old 执子之手与子偕老教程,不懂Hold your hand, and grow old 执子之手与子偕老的也能装懂了,赶紧get起来装逼一下吧!
【 tulaoshi.com - QQ专区 】
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://www.tulaoshi.com)我们的玩笑中,到底藏了多少真话.有谁能听得懂,谁能看得透. /*
I LOVE U time is nothing. 我爱你时间又算得了什么。
The sea had never doubted the sky blue. 海不曾怀疑天的蓝
You jump。I jump--------生死相随.
Time does not dye.Memories do not light.时光不染。回忆不淡。
You are my first.You are my last. 在你之前不曾有,在你之后不再有
I don't deny that I am a nostalgic person.
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