下面图老师小编跟大家分享Painter 8 教程-自定义笔刷,一起来学习下过程究竟如何进行吧!喜欢就赶紧收藏起来哦~
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painter 8 自定义笔刷的选项和之前的版本有些不一样,以下用一个自定义的实例来初步说明。
1.选择Oil/Opaque Flat(油画笔/不透明平笔)变体。
2.CTRL+B打开Brush Creator(笔刷设定器),painter 8之前的版本是CTRL+7打开Brush Controls(笔刷控制面板)。首先选择General(常规),在Opacity(不透明度)下面的Expression(表现形式)选择Pressure(压力)。这样修改后的变体可以根据运笔压力值的改变而改变笔刷的不透明度,鼠标和压感笔都有效。然后选择Size(尺寸),把Size(尺寸)改为28,Min Size(最小尺寸)改为40%,把Size Expression也改为Pressure(压力),这样绘制的笔触可以根据压力改变而改变大小。在Well(流出)选项中把Resaturation(不饱和度)改为70%,Bleed(渗透度)改为40%。painter 8的Brush Creator提供了笔刷试涂区,就是右边的框,Clear可以清除试涂区的笔触。
3.调整好的变体需要储存,在Tracker(笔触追踪面板)的三角菜单中选择Save Variant(保存变体)。在弹出的对话框中自定义笔刷名字,Save Current Colors(保存当前颜色)的选项可以使以后的笔触保留当前的颜色,这个选项有些多余在笔刷面板三角菜单中选择Restore Default Variant(恢复默认变体)把Opaque Flat(油画笔/不透明平笔)恢复默认的参数设定。以下笔触是修改前和修改后的比较。
4.Brush Creator(笔刷设定器)除了我们刚才定义笔刷用的Stroke Designer(笔触设计)以外还有两个选项栏。Randomizer(随机变化)这个选项可以选择随机变化的笔触,产生特殊的效果。下面的滑杆可以设定随机变化的强度。
以下是painter 8自带的帮助文件的自述,如果有发现独特之处的朋友请及时补充
Using the Transposer The Transposer creates new brush variants based on a transition from one variant to another.
For example, you can choose to combine variants from the Pencils and Felt Pens categories. The Transposer will use the settings from each variant to create new variants. The Transposer uses two Brush selector bars, at the top and bottom of the page. The top Brush selector bar is used to choose the From variant; the bottom one is used to choose the To variant. The Transposer uses these two variants to create a series of new brush strokes. To create a transposed brush variant Do one of the following: On the Brush selector bars at both the top and bottom of the Transposer page, choose a brush category and variant.
Choose a brush stroke from the preview grid.
This brush variant becomes the next variant to be transposed. Click the Transpose Current Selection button .
To choose a new brush variant from the Preview window
Click a brush stroke in the Preview window.
This variant becomes the next variant to be图老师 transposed.
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