【 tulaoshi.com - FLASH 】
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://www.tulaoshi.com/flash/) 这是一个为图片加框的效果,画框依据图片的大小而动态改变。
4、图层1,改名为图片。拖第一个图片到舞台将它转换成影片剪辑。命名Image 1 ″设定注册点居中。如图2:
5、重复第4步,拖入其它的3张图片到舞台,任意摆放。命名Image 2 ″,Image 3 ″,Image 4 ″,库面板如图3:
//Import TweenMax (we use it for animation)
import gs.*;
//Save the center coordinates of the stage
var centerX:uint = stage.stageWidth / 2;
var centerY:uint = stage.stageHeight / 2;
//Let’s add the images to an array
var imagesArray:Array = new Array(image1,image2,image3,image4);
//This variable will store the current image displayed
var currentImage:MovieClip = null;
//Make the border invisible at first
imageBorder.alpha = 0;
//Loop through the array elements
for (var i:uint = 0; i imagesArray.length; i++) {
//We want all the images to be invisible at the beginning
imagesArray[i].alpha = 0;
//Save the index of the image to a variable called "imageIndex"
imagesArray[i].imageIndex = i;
//We listen when the user clicks the mouse on the stage
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stageClicked);
//This function is called when the user clicks the stage
function stageClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {
//Check that the current image is not null
if (currentImage != null) {
//Animate the current image away
TweenMax.to(currentImage, 1, {alpha:0});
//Check to see if we are at the end of the imagesArray
if (currentImage.imageIndex == imagesArray.length - 1) {
//Set the first image of the array to be our currentImage
currentImage = imagesArray[0];
} else {
//We are not at the end of the array, so get the next image from the array
currentImage = imagesArray[currentImage.imageIndex + 1];
} else {
//If the currentImage is null (= we just started the movie), w(www.tulaoshi.com)e set the first image in the array
//to be our current image.
currentImage = imagesArray[0];
//Set the border’s alpha to 0.5
imageBorder.alpha = 0.5;
//Position the current image and the border to the center of the stage
currentImage.x = imageBorder.x = centerX;
currentImage.y = imageBorder.y = centerY;
//Animate the border’s width and height according to the current image’s dimensions.
//We also a nice glow effect to the image border
TweenMax.to(imageBorder, 0.5, {width: currentImage.width + 8, height: currentImage.height + 8,
glowFilter:{color:Math.random() * 0xffffff, alpha:1, blurX:20, blurY:20, strength:100, quality:1}});
//Animate the currentImage’s alpha
TweenMax.to(currentImage, 1, {alpha:1});