匈牙利大师 Peter Pocs 海报设计展作品

2016-03-24 00:02 40 1 收藏

下面是个简单易学的匈牙利大师 Peter Pocs 海报设计展作品设计,图老师小编详细图解介绍包你轻松学会,喜欢的朋友赶紧get起来吧!

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匈牙利大师 Peter Pocs 海报设计展作品

“PETER POCS POSTERMANIA”海报设计展在匈牙利布达佩斯展览馆举行,展览时间是2006年3月2日至4月2日。汇集了设计大师 Peter Pocs 众多的海报设计精品。


1989, 301
The number refers to the unmarked plot
in the cemetery where Imre Nagy, hero
of the Hungarian Uprising of 1956, was
buried from 1958 to 1989. The blood
stain has the shape of Hungary.

2006, 56.10.23
October 23, 1956 is the beginning of
the Hungarian Uprising. The red star
is the symbol of the soviet occupation.

2006, 56.10.23

2006, 56.10.23
2005, The 100th anniversary of
the birth of Jozsef Attila, a
hungarian poet.

1988, Erdely
Erdely is the hungarian name for Transsylvania,
a multicultural region in Romania with a sad
and turbulent history, and a large hungarian
minority. Blue, red and yellow was it's flag
before 1918.

2000, United Colors of Hung(a)ry
The millenium of the Kingdom of Hungary
was celebrated in 2000, during which St.
Stephens crown with the tilted cross
received much bla bla.

2003, Tamas T. Nagy - Cheese Trade Company


匈牙利大师 Peter Pocs 海报设计展作品(2)

2003, Peter Pocs exhibition in Pecs

2005, Ts(H)unami



适度留白 新一版的《沉默羔羊》海报设计不再像原版一样血腥直白,而是用到看起来平淡无奇的元素,运用背景和前景的适当留白制造悬念感,在视觉上让人产生好奇心。 元素替换 重新设计的《泰坦尼克号》海报更是没有任何拟物元素出现,原作中的冰山被替换成了单词。 以物比人 把ipad上的标语直接改成苹果教父乔布斯的名字...
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