New Faces 2006优秀作品欣赏

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New Faces 2006优秀作品欣赏


New Faces 2006 - Catalina Estrada Uribe

Catalina Estrada Uribe
AGE: 31
JOB: Graphic designer and illustrator
LOCATION: Barcelona, Spain
SOFTWARE USED: Illustrator and PhotoshopThere’s something quite enchanting about Catalina Estrada’s work. She creates other-worldly scenes with an aesthetic borne out of Illustrator’s array of gradients and fills alongside her own fascination with nature.Although currently based in Barcelona, Estrada was born and raised in the countryside in Colombia. “Now that I live in the city I realise how much I miss that contact with nature – all its colours and its life,” she says. “Nature has a great value to me and always takes part in my work somehow.”Estrada’s mother is another key influence: “She has a sense of colour that I’ve never seen before,” says Estrada, who also admires traditional folk art for its spontaneity and colour.To date, Estrada’s biggest challenge has been an exhibition of her works, and she plans a further exhibition this year. She’s currently illustrating the story of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp as part of the Die Gestalten Verlag title 1001 Nights.To find out more about Catalina Estrada Uribe’s work visit




New Faces 2006 - Nik Ainley

Nik Ainley
JOB: Digital artist
SOFTWARE USED: Photoshop, with “dabblings in Illustrator and various 3D packages”When the Computer Arts team first saw Nik Ainley’s Shiny Binary website, its high-tech shininess nearly melted our eyes. Ainley produces stunningly intricate Photoshop compositions that include amazing illustrative and 3D elements.Ainley admires the work of vault49, as well as fellow members of the depthCORE digital arts community. His biggest project to date is his own website, which took him six months to create in Photoshop, before it was turned into HTML.Describing himself as a “compulsive day dreamer”, Ainley now plans to get to grips with Illustrator, which he feels has even more potential power than Photoshop. He would also love to boost his skills in Flash and a ‘proper’ 3D program.Ainley has plans to develo

New Faces 2006优秀作品欣赏(2)

p his website over the next year into something “bigger and shinier”, too. And his outlook is pretty optimistic: “If everyone stops liking what I do, I don’t give too much of a shit as long as it still makes me smile.”To find out more about Nik Ainley’s work, visit or the depthCORE community site at





New Faces 2006 - Andreas Gaschka

Andreas Gaschka
LOCATION: Mainz, Germany
AGE: 22
JOB: Motion designer
SOFTWARE USED: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, Cinema 4D, Maya, Premiere Pro and Final Cut ProMotion graphics is an emerging design form, and many of today’s designs are little more than eye-candy. But Andreas Gaschka leads the way in informational motion work.Gaschka is a student of Media Design at FH Mainz University of Applied Sciences. He won acclaim at last year’s Adobe Design Achievement Awards for his Traffic Advisories – a visualisation of television traffic announcements designed for broadcast. His animation shows the location of traffic jams in a city on a 3D map and is an idea we could imagine being adopted by a major news service.Much of Gaschka’s work involves 3D, but he’s currently rediscovering ‘analogue techniques’, such as pencils, markers, ink, felt-tip pens, watercolours and spray cans.Gaschka is also a big fan of psyop, WeWorkForThem, Buck, ZNKdojo, viagrafik and bionicsystems. He begins an internship at DMC Hamburg in March 2006 and on completion would like work at a motion design agency in the US.To find out more about Andreas Gaschka’s work visit his website at




New Faces 2006 - Tom Judd

Tom Judd
LOCATION: Manchester and Salisbury, UK
AGE: 21
JOB: Illustrator and animator
SOFTWARE USED: Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, After Effects and Premiere ProHands up, how many of you can draw well? Yeah, we thought as much. Maybe it’s time we took a

New Faces 2006优秀作品欣赏(3)

leaf out of Tom Judd’s book and did a bit of doodling once in a while.Tom Judd is a mixed media illustrator and animator who blends traditional and digital techniques. His work is heavily influenced by the work of scribbler Jon Burgerman, who he describes as: “a great example of how to doodle for a living.”Judd’s biggest project to date has been Everyday, in which he set himself the challenge of drawing a page in a book every day for a year. The result involved 365 manic pages of observational drawing and “monsters and things”.Still a student on the BA (Hons) Illustration with Animation degree at Manchester Metropolitan University, Judd hopes to move down to London on graduation to make his fortune drawing pictures of robots and monsters.To find out more about Tom Judd’s work visit his website at




New Faces 2006 - Joakim Jansson

Joakim Jansson
LOCATION: Oslo, Norway
AGE: 25
JOB: Graphic designer “with an illustrative touch”
SOFTWARE USED: Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash and DreamweaverJoakim Jansson is so cool it hurts. His illustration work captures the zeitgeist with images that combine riotous colour with the current vogue for 80s style icons.Jansson is a graduate of Hyper Island, Oslo’s infamous School of New Media Design. Working with a graphics tablet, he creates vector illustrations by scanning drawings created with pen on paper, including several illustrations that have featured in Dazed and Confused magazine.Jansson’s ambition is to set up his own design studio and he has quite a specific vision for it.“I’d love to set up a small studio with my best friends in a two-floor building,” he says. “On the first floor, we’d have a nice little T-shirt and nerdy gadgets shop, and would always play good music. On the second floor, we’d have our studio and create good work, and have fun every day. It’s a must to have a pole down to floor one, like all the cool firemen have.”




New Faces 2006 - Oded Ezer

Oded Ezer
Givatayim, Israel
AGE: 33
JOB: Typographer

New Faces 2006优秀作品欣赏(4)

FreeHand and FontographerTypography is often an undervalued art, and we’re always looking to champion new creative talent. Oded Ezer has a clear passion for letterforms, the likes of which we’ve rarely seen created before.Ezer creates typefaces and typographic art using both the Latin and Hebrew alphabets. In 2002 he co-founded Ha’Gilda (The Guild), a co-operative of Israeli font designers, and he teaches typography and graphic design in several academies in Israel, including the Bezalel Academy for Art and Design.While he works as a commercial designer, Ezer also runs experimental typography art projects, where he explores unconventional solutions in Hebrew type. He is inspired by nature, but also by contemporary typographers such as Eric Gill and Takenobu Igarishi.Ezer’s posters and graphic works have been showcased and published worldwide, and he was awarded the Gold Prize at the international design competition of the Nagoya Design Center, Japan, in 2000.To find out more about Oded Ezer’s typographic work visit




New Faces 2006 - Owen Johnston

Owen Johnston
Auckland, New Zealand
AGE: 26
JOB: Graphic designer
SOFTWARE USED: FreeHand, Flash and PhotoshopPeople like Owen Johnston make us sick. With envy, that is. After all, how many people do you know who can competently design for print, the web, create brand identities and also their own fonts. Not many, we’d wager.Johnston is a graphic designer who is obsessed with typography, a theme that can be seen throughout his work.In addition to graphic design, Johnston has worked on a number of websites, including a large corporate site for Lighthouse real estate, and is about to start work as a creative director at Born Digital in Auckland, New Zealand.Working mostly with FreeHand, Flash and Photoshop, he likes to go out and shoot photography once in a while to get inspiration.To find out more about Owen Johnston’s work, visit or




New Faces 2006 - Tyson Ibele

New Faces 2006优秀作品欣赏(5)

Tyson Ibele
LOCATION: Minneapolis, USA
AGE: 18
JOB: 3D artist
SOFTWARE USED: 3ds Max, Photoshop and After EffectsWhen you consider that he started at 13 and is now only 18, it’s clear that Tyson Ibele is destined for greatness.Ibele considers himself a 3D generalist, covering everything from modelling to animation. Particularly interested in character animation, he takes inspiration from nature: “I observe the characteristics of certain animals and the ways in which they move,” he says.Ibele considers his biggest project to date to be his short film, The Beast Within, which took nine months to create.Ibele’s portfolio is packed with the kind of CG work normally associated with big effects houses, such as his recreation of a crashing helicopter inspired by The Day After Tomorrow and his recent television advert for Sony.Ibele currently works for a company specialising in advertising work – television and corporate commercials that feature different visual effects, “But some day I’d love to work at a film studio doing only character animation,” he says.To find out more about Tyson Ibele’s work visit his website at




New Faces 2006 - Pete Harrison

Pete Harrison
AGE: 22
JOB: Graphic and web designer
SOFTWARE USED: Photoshop and IllustratorWe first presented Pete Harrison’s work back in our Graduate Showcase in June 2005, following his studies at the University of Plymouth. Since then, he’s been busy designing, writing magazine tutorials and establishing his own clothing label, Funkrush.Most of Harrison’s work is produced using Photoshop and Illustrator, and he experiments using Photoshop’s Displace filter along with colour and Blending Modes. Harrison’s influences are extensive, name-checking Tom Jackson, Nick Datta, Leigh Flurry, Andy Barnes, James Wignall, Brandon Jones, Kharil Syafig Osman and Alejandro Ghersi to name a few.In addition to his Photoshop work, Harrison dabbles with coding and recently created a generative-audio piece in Flash that used sensors triggered by a hamster! He currently plans to continue developing his clothing line, Funkrush, while freelancing, but aims to start his own design studio, too.To find out more about Pete Harrison’s work, visit his portfolio site at

New Faces 2006优秀作品欣赏(6) or his clothing line at



2006“包装之星”获奖设计作品欣赏 [ 艺术中国网 ] 2006“包装之星”获奖设计作品欣赏(2)
标签: 摄影 摄影教程
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