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CGVS 银奖(Silver Awards Winner)
参赛作品 Ady (153) 《冰火交融》
最后CG作品 (Final CG Work)
参赛作品介绍: 您好 我是ady本人作品名称为《冰火交融》,大概內容是在一個魔幻世界有一座雪山和一座冰山同时存在,並受到诅咒,在这片大陆上生活的人马战士和人类经常因此发生大战,人马战士的习惯就是把每次大战中自己亲手杀死的人类重要將领的头挂到自己身上以示荣耀,在图中表現的是一位身经百战的人马战士身中利箭,在痛苦中折断並拔出一支利箭的情景。 所用軟件是maya max 巴西 hairfx 由于面部的细节做了很长時间,但在我的构图里表现的很少 所以附上一幅特写。谢谢审核。
最后CG作品 (Final CG Work)
同场景的Wireframe图(Completed Wireframe Images)
概念创作图 (Concept Art)
Simon Yuen (首席评判):
Overall, this is the most well executed piece. The overall design, execution, and the quality of the work is very good. The choice of color, mood, and environment for the piece works well. The composition and layout is also effective. The characters themselves are great. Personally, I think the monster's design could be even pushed a bit more to make it more standout and believable. But that is being very picky. The model seems to be well modeled and has good flows, the creature has good texture and lighting. Again, being picky, some smaller details like the feet of the creature could be improved. Currently the design is a bit confusing as to what the anatomy might really look like. Like how does the feet work, whats the anatomy, muscle, skeleton look like underneeve. Same thing with the thigh area and the shoulder / deltoid area. Some of the details could be more clear to convey a more realistic anatomical structure. This will make the creature even more stand out and believable. But again, these are suggestions to push it to the next level. Overall, great job.
郭建全 (首席评判):
美术功力强,作品整体效果很好, 从 WIP 过程看到作者善於使用 zbrush; 在材质 / 灯光和渲染环节略有不足。
Don Ma (首席评判):
角色具原创性,创意度甚佳。至於角色的 Modeling 也非常仔细。质感运用极之合当,整体颜色处理统一协调。至于构图整体及主角放在黄金分角线的位置,能加强吸引观众的住意力。在整体技巧配合上,用了不同软件,Maya Modeli
周嘉年 (首席评判):
The picture demonstrates a very strong aesthetics sense, in terms of composition, color and lighting. The characters are carefully positioned to direct audience attention. The talent of craftmanship is shown in the modelling and texturing. If the monster could be made distinguished from western-styled dragon, the creativity would be even stronger.
Mark Lam (首席评判):
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