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Title: Healer_elf
Name: Seok Chan-yoo
Country: Korea (South)
Software: Maya
name:Seok chan-yoo
Hofe referecce highresoulusion image&modelwire,texture under my ripple.
Title: The Birthday Party
Name: Matthew Baldwin
Country: United States
Software: LightWave 3D, Photoshop
This is the image I sent into this year's Expose. Ultimately, I don't know how successful it is--I've lost the ability to see straight with it. It's a scene I would drag out every few months and tinker with. I guess I was influenced by Harold Pinter's The Birthday Party, and a bit of the mad tea party and the last supper thrown in to boot. I was going for a shallow diorama-like environment. I mean what's not to like about good dioramas? The American Museum of Natural History is one of my favorite places. I was there again today with my family.
Title: Angel
Name: Song Yuefeng
Country: China
Software: 3ds max, Brazil r/s, Photoshop
hi~~ welcome my posts.
This is the first time I Submit here.
The girl in my work is one of my students,her chinese name is Anqi,from angel's transliteration..
...Sorry for my poor english.
I'll be very glad to your comments
Title: Toy Fairys 2
Name: Alexander Hedstrom
Country: United Kingdom
Software: (Other), BodyPaint, CINEMA 4D, Photoshop
all is modeld in freeform concept,
early morning in deep forest and pappa fairy is pist of on doughter that flirts whith boy , and in his opinion they have to be married first.
i hope you like it. see you..
Title: Backtokado
Name: Laurent Pierlot
Country: France
Software: 3ds max, Brazil r/s, Deep Paint, Digital Fusion, M
This is a still I made for Expose3
The early concept is from a painting I made for my student movie in sup info com Valencienne France.
I wanted to use all the softwares I know especialy ZBrush
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