
2016-03-24 17:28 10 1 收藏


【 tulaoshi.com - 平面设计 】


Micheline is a printing boutique that specializes in pieces for social events and stationery. Founded in the mid 70's Micheline's success was that it offered both design and high-end printing under the same roof. However as time went by, they realized the potential of appealing to a younger crowd, so the boutique contacted Anagrama to make both their brand and store to express uniqueness, elegance, and above all, modernity.Anagrama designed a monogram that would be easy to reproduce on all of their printed pieces and that would work as a signature for their workshop. As for the store's interiors, with the help of collaborators such as German Dehesa and Roberto Treviño, Anagrama designed a space inspired in the ambiance of print-shops in the seventies: it has a few contemporary accents such as the lighting, which gives the interiors a vanguardist atmosphere. Also they made sure to use a neutral color palette to focus all of the attention on the shelves holding colorful printing catalogues, as well as emphasizing the brand's presence.Thanks to Anagrama's branding strategy, Micheline is now a boutique that shows the highest quality, and welcomes all generations, making them feel comfortable and in their own environment.米舍利娜(Micheline)打印店编译/hiiibrand品牌米舍利娜是一个致力于设计和社会活动的精品打印店。为了振兴品牌以吸引更多的年轻人,米舍利娜找到了Anagrama。



这个项目的室内设计是与我们的朋友German Dehesa 和 Roberto Treviño一起合作完成的。

(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://www.tulaoshi.com/pmsj/)About AnagramaWe are one of Mexico's most internationally mentioned and awarded design studio.
We are a speci

alized brand development and positioning agency providing creative solutions for any type of project. Besides our history and experience with brand development, we are also experts in the design and development of objects, spaces and multimedia projects.

We create the perfect balance between a design boutique, focusing on the development of creative pieces paying attention to the smallest of details, and a business consultancy providing solutions based on the analysis of tangible data to generate best fit applications.

Our services reach all of the branding spectrum from strategic consulting to fine tune brandobjectives for the company to logotype, peripherals and captivating illustration design.

Since our creation, we decided to break the traditional creative agency scheme, integrating multidisciplinary teams of creative and business experts.

A well managed and positioned brand represents a powerful asset for the company´s totalvalue. It is a sales tool and a client loyalty promoter.www.anagrama.com关于Anagrama

Anagrama是墨西哥最具有国际性和屡获大奖的设计工作室之一,是一家专业的品牌设计和咨询公司,为客户提供各种类型的创造性解决方案。Anagrama品牌战略咨询服务的范围包括品牌策划、公司标识设计、外观设计和插画设计等等。除了品牌设计,Anagrama也是设计、空间和多媒体项目开发领域的专家。www.anagrama.com编译/ Hiiibrand,来源:www.hiiibrand.com


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